Mamas Uncut

Tell Me a Joke – 200+ Silly Jokes

So, you Googled “tell me a joke.” Your wish is our command. We’ve compiled a list of slide-splitting jokes for your pleasure. Life can be really tough but humor helps and we encourage you to laugh your way through whatever ails you.

If you typed “tell me a joke” into that search field, you have come to the right place as we have compiled a list of over 200 jokes that we are sure you will get a kick out of. Scroll through these funnies below and do your best to not laugh. Enjoy!

Okay, Tell Me a Joke.

Tell Me a Joke – Dark Humor

Tell Me a Joke

Tell Me a Joke – More Dark Humor Jokes

  1. Surveys say that 4 out of 5 people suffer from diarrhea. That means the 5th one likes it.
  2. A guy is walking with a young boy into the woods. Boy: “Hey mister it’s getting dark out and I’m scared.” / Man: “How do you think I feel? I have to walk back alone.”
  3. I made a website for orphans, unfortunately, it doesn’t have a homepage.
  4. Son: “Dad, how do stars die?” / Dad: “Usually an overdose.”
  5. It’s sad how families can be torn apart from something as simple as wild dogs.
  6. Significant other: “Am I beautiful?” / Reply: “You’re like the sun. You’re painful to look at.”
  7. Famous last words of a bomb disposal expert: “Yes, the red wire.”
  8. You know you’re ugly when you get handed the camera every time folks make a group photo.
  9. My wife and I watched The Perfect Murder together. Excellent movie, but what disturbed me though was my wife constantly taking notes.
  10. How do you make any salad a Caesar salad? Stab it twenty-three times.

Tell Me a Joke – Twisted Humor


Tell Me a Joke – Rotten Humor

Tell Me a Joke – Weird Jokes

Tell Me a Joke – Messed Up Humor


Tell Me a Joke – Wicked Jokes

Tell Me a Joke – Over-the-Top Jokes

Tell Me a Joke – Rough Ones


Tell Me a Joke – So Wrong They’re Right

Tell Me a Joke – Pitch Black Humor

RELATED: 155 Best Dark Humor Jokes

Tell Me a Joke – Always Funny Jokes


Tell Me a Joke – Crowd Pleasing Jokes

Tell Me a Joke – So Bad They’re Good

Tell Me a Joke – Just Some Dad Jokes


Tell Me a Joke – More Corny Jokes

Tell Me a Joke – Ridiculousness

Tell Me a Joke – Dumb Jokes


Tell Me a Joke – Keeping Things Light

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Tell Me a Joke – Just Straight Punny Jokes

So, you searched “tell me a joke.” We hope we delivered with some truly funny jokes that you can return to whenever you need a little pick-me-up. Life is tough but humor always helps so laugh your way through it!

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