Mamas Uncut

How Long Should You Wait to Tell Your Family You’re Pregnant?

A mom writes in asking for advice about when she should tell her immediate family that she is pregnant. She is curious to hear from other moms when they decided the time was right to share the big news with their families. What factors are there to consider? Below, our community shares their advice and their stories about how and when they decided to reveal their pregnancies to their families.

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A member of the community asks:

“How long did you wait to tell your family you were pregnant?”

“How many weeks did you guys wait till before telling immediate family about your pregnancy?”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Wants to Know When She Should Tell Her Immediate Family She’s Pregnant

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

How Long Should You Wait to Tell Your Family You're Pregnant?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“This time I told my husband at 8 weeks because we had two miscarriages before and I was scared it was going to happen again. Then he told our family because he was tired of no one knowing, at 30 weeks. I wasn’t going to tell anyone till afterward because it isn’t anyone’s business.”

“After I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks, I decided to wait until after the first trimester was over with if I got pregnant again. Lo and behold, I got pregnant again. Kept it quiet, but unbeknownst to me, a relative who worked in our hospitals OB department found out and told my mother in law, who then waited not so patiently for the good news. I then miscarried at 11 weeks, and when my husband told his mom, she was angry that she had had to hear it from someone else first and stated that that was what we got for keeping secrets. I still can’t stand that woman.”

“Mom, Dad, and Brother as soon as I found out. Best Friend after my first doctor’s appointment. And the rest at 3 months.”

“I always wait until the 2nd trimester. My very first I miscarried at 11wks so since that one I’ve been cautious telling people.”

“I told everyone right away the day I got a positive test because I was so excited. But with my next baby, I don’t wanna tell anyone, other than my husband, until I know what I’m having. UNLESS I get pregnant by Christmas, then I’ll tell everyone at Christmas.. cause I always wanted to announce to my parents and grandparents through a Christmas present.”

I told everyone immediately. I decided there was no point in waiting until the ‘safe’ time when there’s less of a chance of miscarriage. My reasoning was because I have previously suffered a loss in my second term so for me there was so “safe” time. Also, if you don’t tell anyone and you do end up suffering a loss then you have forced yourself into a corner where you’ll have to deal with your loss alone. I feel it’s easier and better to deal with a loss when there is support around you to help you through.”

“With our son, we were a little gun shy about announcing so we waited until I was 13 weeks and announced it to the family at Thanksgiving. Then we found out the day before the following Thanksgiving that I was pregnant with our daughter. We announced it earlier at Christmas. I was about 9 weeks.”

“My mom was told the day I found out (4 weeks) as well as my aunts and grandma. I told my dad when I was around 6 weeks because I wanted it to be special for him.”

“After trying for 5 years we told pretty much everyone immediately because we were so excited then we officially announced it on Facebook at 8 weeks we got very lucky that she stayed healthy and that we still have a healthy 2-year-old now. After having a miscarriage a couple of weeks ago I can not imagine telling everyone so early.”

“I was like 4 weeks with my son when we found out and told our immediate family the next day.”

Father the next day, our parents about 2-3 weeks after we found out so maybe 6 weeks pregnant. Boss around 10 weeks. Rest of family and close friends 12 weeks… after the ultrasound. Facebook friends 16-17 weeks.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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