Mamas Uncut

I Want to Formally Announce That I Am Pregnant to My Co-Workers, But It’s Very Complicated: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about how best to announce her pregnancy to her co-workers and her company overall. She says this is a tricky situation for many reasons: One, she is currently laid off due to the pandemic, which complicates making any kind of announcement. Two, she says her co-workers are very judgemental and she is afraid they will talk nastily behind her back about the circumstances of her pregnancy. Third, one of her co-workers suffered a miscarriage in February, and this mom wants to be sensitive to her with the announcement.

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A member of the community asks:

“How can I announce to my co-workers that I am pregnant?

I’ve been laid off work since March 18 due to Coronavirus, I work at a big company with over 600 employees but only directly work with about 15. I found out I’m pregnant on March 28, so I couldn’t have any way to tell my coworkers. People at my work like to talk about people behind their backs sometimes and I want to announce my pregnancy to them in a way that won’t have me judged. I have a son who just turned one in March with someone else and now I’m pregnant from another guy who I’m with, so there’s some judgment right there.

The hard part is one of my coworkers had a miscarriage back in February and she REALLY wanted a girl, well I found out through blood work I’m having a girl so not only is someone else pregnant who she has to hear about constantly and feel upset because of what she had to go through but it’s also a girl. I don’t want to upset her in any way. I’m worried that by the time my business opens back up I’ll already have a bump and I don’t want anyone upset that I didn’t tell anyone, but really how could I?? I am friends with the girl on Facebook and she’s the only one of my coworkers I have on there and I did announce my pregnancy on Facebook a couple of weeks ago she never acknowledged it so IDK if she even saw it but any advice on how to go about that situation with her and about telling everyone?

I don’t want to have to go to every individual person I work with and tell them I know I for sure have to tell my managers though. I’m a shy person on top of that and am just scared in general. I hate attention being on me and everyone talking about me. Thanks so much for any advice.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Doesn’t Know How to Announce Her Pregnancy to Her Co-Workers

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

I Want to Formally Announce That I Am Pregnant to My Co-Workers, But It's Very Complicated: Advice?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“I didn’t tell anyone that I worked with until they asked me. I’m very shy also and don’t like everyone to know my personal business. But a few noticed that I wasn’t drinking energy drinks at work anymore so they politely asked me why. It’s not your job to spread the news to everyone.”

“Don’t worry about co-workers. The only one you should tell is your boss. You’re overthinking this.”

“She probably already saw it and just doesn’t want to interact. Who gives a hoot what your co-workers think. Only one that probably needs to know is your boss.”

“Don’t go around telling them. I didn’t tell anyone but a few people at my work. At first I wanted it a secret, and then I didn’t care after I posted it on social media for all to know. All you have to tell is your actual employer, like HR or your manager. Try not to care what they think, and it’s not your fault this girl had a miscarriage. You can’t change your life due to everyone’s life around you.”

“Only your boss needs to know I think. Your boss should be a professional and not tell anyone else… because it’s not their business.”

“All of my coworkers knew the day I found out but we are a very small office (12 at the time) and I am a dental assistant and take Xrays multiple times a day so they needed to know for safety reasons. I have worked in situations similar to yours and would not have told anyone outside of my boss/manager. If people ask then tell them but I would just leave it be especially since you aren’t working at the moment.”

“You made your announcement on FB, I wouldn’t worry about telling any of your co-workers until your called back to work, then when you do go back don’t let anyone judge you, just say ‘God blessed me with another baby.'”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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