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Hero Educator Cares For Student’s Newborn Brother After Entire Family Contracts COVID-19

Hero Educator Cares For Student's Newborn Brother After Entire Family Contracts COVID-19

Image via Facebook

A teacher from Stamford, Connecticut, is being praised after taking in one of her student’s newborn brother after his mother fell ill with the coronavirus.

Luciana Lira, 32, teaches at Hart Magnet Elementary School and when her 7-year-old student Junior’s entire family came down with coronavirus at the same time as his mother, Zully, was going into labor – Lira knew what she needed to do.

As Zully was going into labor, Lira received a phone call on April 4.

In a Facebook post that has since gone viral, friend Joy Colon revealed how Lira teaches students who require an English language learner teacher.

“Often, the role we play is much more than you can imagine,” Colon wrote.

Without hesitation, the teacher quickly made her way to the hospital after doctors gave Zully an emergency C-section. Zully gave birth to a baby boy who she named Neysel and who was also, thankfully, coronavirus free.

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And as the coronavirus was affecting the mother, her doctors decided to put her on a ventilator. And while she fought off the virus at the hospital, Lira was made a temporary guardian of Neysel – bringing the baby back to her home, where she and husband Alex could care for him.

Earlier in April, Lira was contacted by one of her students’ mothers who asked a massive favor in the wake of a pandemic.

Zully along with her family are Guatemalan asylum seekers and had no one else in the United States to call aside for Lira, and as a result, the teacher was her emergency contact.

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Thankfully, the mother had improved so much that she was finally taken off her ventilator. And two days later, she would finally see her son.

Lira then put Neysel on a Zoom video call with her mom where they virtually met.

And on April 24, Zully was finally allowed to go home – which means the family will soon be reunited!

A silver-lining story that shows even in the darkest of time, heroes step up to the plate.

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