Mamas Uncut

A Denver Teacher Gives Birth on the Sidewalk in Front of Her School

In Denver, Colorado a teacher had the surprise of her life when she gave birth to her baby girl at school. The proud mother of a beautiful baby girl now has one heck of a story after giving birth on the sidewalk in front of the school she teaches at.

Lindsay Agbalokwu teaches sixth-grade English at DSST: Conservatory Green in Stapleton. Agbalokwu wasn’t due to give birth until the end of the month, so she went on teaching like it was a normal day in class. All of a sudden, she felt pressure and pain and before she knew it she was in labor.

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It was a normal day at school until things went from ‘zero to 100.’

Braxton Hicks contractions are common and many people mistake them for actual labor. Agbalokwu felt some discomfort and because she wasn’t due for another two weeks, she assumed she was just experiencing false labor.

She went to a school assembly and even presented an award before returning to the classroom. Once she got back in her class, it became clear that something wasn’t quite right. She recounted to Denver 7 that things, “went from zero to 100!” She added,  “All of a sudden, it was just so much pressure and pain, I was like, ‘I think she’s coming now! I think we need to just call 911.'”

It was time for Agbalokwu to book it to the hospital.

Agbalokwu had her co-teacher take over the class and thanks to her quick thinking, she contacted the dean of students and the principal of the school. All three tried to get Agbalokwu to the hospital, but things were simply happening too fast. It became clear that the teacher would not be getting to the hospital and instead, would need to labor on the sidewalk outside the school.

At that point, they got in touch with a dispatcher from 911. “I lay down and we put the dispatcher on speakerphone, who started giving delivery instructions,” Agbalokwu recalled.

Agbalokwu bravely gave birth on that sidewalk.

Agbalokwu being the champ she is, gave birth to a healthy baby girl on the sidewalk. Firefighters showed up just in time to help deliver the baby, but Agbalokwu had already done most of the work. She taught the responders a thing or two!

Baby Zara was born! What a cutie! Agbalokwu was asked if she felt embarrassed giving birth at school in front of some of her colleagues, “I was in so much pain, I didn’t care that these people are my bosses — they are both parents,” Agbalokwu told The Daily Mail. “They were my support people.”

There was no time for embarrassment because the mother and daughter were quickly taken to the hospital for care.

Baby Zara will probably remain impatient and strong-willed.

It was clear that Zara was on her own schedule and Agbalokwu joked, “When she was ready, she just said, ‘Boom. I’m coming out.'”

Agbalokwu thinks it’s a sign of what’s to come. “I think it will be indicative of her personality to come,” she said speaking to Yahoo. “That she will be a firecracker. She’s going to do great things.”

There’s no question that this birth story is extraordinary. We expect no less from little baby Zara.

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