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Taylor Swift Reveals Doctors Found Brain Tumor in Mom While Undergoing Treatment for Breast Cancer a Second Time

During her second battle with cancer, Andrea Swift learned that doctors had discovered a brain tumor in one of her scans, her daughter, iconic pop star Taylor Swift, revealed in an interview with Variety.

Swift explained that the symptoms her mom has been experiencing as a result of the brain tumor have been very different than what they are used to having battled cancer twice.

Taylor Swift Opens Up After Mom Was Diagnosed With Brain Tumor While Battling Breast Cancer

Swift said in her interview with Variety, “She was going through chemo, and that’s a hard enough thing for a person to go through. While she was going through treatment, they found a brain tumor.”

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“And the symptoms of what a person goes through when they have a brain tumor is nothing like what we’ve ever been through with her cancer before. So it’s just been a really hard time for us as a family.”

Taylor Swift Reveals Doctors Found Brain Tumor in Mom While Undergoing Treatment for Breast Cancer a Second Time
Instagram / Taylor Swift

The singer-songwriter first opened up about her mom’s cancer diagnosis in 2015. According to the Today Show, her mom was battling breast cancer at the time. Swift first talked about her mom’s diagnosis on Tumbler. She wrote:

“Usually when things happen to me, I process them and then write music about how I feel, and you hear it much later. This is something my family and I thought you should know about now.” Swift continued:

Instagram / Taylor Swift

“She wanted you to know because your parents may be too busy juggling everything they’ve got going on to go to the doctor, and maybe you reminding them to go get checked for cancer could possibly lead to an early diagnosis and an easier battle… Or peace of mind in knowing that they’re healthy and there’s nothing to worry about. I hope and pray that you never get news like this.”

In her interview with Variety, she explained that part of her decision to not tour her new album Lover was so that she could have as much time with her mom during this difficult time as she possibly could.

She explained, “Yeah, that’s it. That’s the reason. I mean, we don’t know what is going to happen. We don’t know what treatment we’re going to choose. It just was the decision to make at the time, for right now, for what’s going on.”

Swift, who released the emotional song Soon You’ll Get Better she wrote for her mom on her new album, continued, “Everyone loves their mom; everyone’s got an important mom.”

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“But for me, she’s really the guiding force. Almost every decision I make, I talk to her about it first. So obviously it was a really big deal to ever speak about her illness.”

While Swift chooses to remain relatively private when it comes to her mother’s battle, part of her fight will be highlighted on Swift’s new documentary that is set to go live on Netflix on January 31.

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