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Actress Tara Reid Opens Up After the World Continues to Speculate on Her Weight and Health

tara reid

WARNING: This article discusses weight and eating disorders. Some readers may find the topics disturbing or triggering.

Actress Tara Reid has had it with people online speculating about her weight and her health.

In an interview with Los Angeles Inquisitor, Reid said she’s had it with people who are constantly telling her she is too thin. “If we were overweight then they can’t say anything because that’s bullying,” she explained.

“But it’s the same thing if you’re skinny. That’s still bullying too.”

Reid then addressed speculation that she is suffering from an eating disorder. It’s a rumor she wholeheartedly denies.

“I have no anorexia and never have. And I definitely don’t have any bulimia. I’m terrified of throwing up, so that’s not gonna happen. And I love food too much.”

She continued, “So anyone that says I’m anorexic or bulimic, they’re wrong. So stop it. Leave me alone. Pick on me again on something else, but not on those two things. It’s not right.”

In the past, Reid has talked about always being naturally thin and having “a high metabolism.” “Anyone with a high metabolism understands it’s impossible to gain weight. All I do is eat,” she once explained. 

“To everyone who wrote something nice and stuck up for me, I love you! And keep spreading that love, it is the only thing that will save this world.” Reid admits these speculations have followed her for years.

“I’ve gone through it for so many years that, you know, sometimes I feel bad for them because if they’re that miserable writing things at home, what are they doing? That’s negative. You know, it’s hurtful.”

However, no matter how many people choose to be negative towards her body, Tara admits she will always choose love. “Love will always beat hate. It’s just so hard to find love because you’ve got to find it in yourself first.” She also talked about the bullying and negative attacks with Billy Bush on Extra:

If you or someone you know is dealing with an eating disorder, there are sources to seek help. For more information, go to

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