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30 Summer Quotes For Those Who Never Want the Warm Days to End

What’s not to love about summer? Warm weather, time away from work, vacationing with friends and family, and sipping cold drinks in the sun are all favorite summer pastimes worth celebrating. Summer quotes highlight the special nature of this season and what makes us love it so much. It’s a time of vibrant life and plentifulness. This is true for both mind, spirit, and soul. Many famous folks have written about the splendor of summer’s sunny days and how truly glorious they are.

We decided to round up some of the very best summer quotes to help you take stock of the brilliant season and reflect on all the fun you have had in previous summers and the adventures that have yet to come at the start of a new one. These quotes are vibrant meditations on the season that so many of us love the most. Take a look at these sun-kissed summer quotes that will make you want to cherish every last drop of the season.

Discover the Most Refreshing Summer Quotes Ever Below!

Oprah Winfrey

Summer Quotes

“Summer has a flavor like no other. Always fresh and simmered in sunshine.”

John Steinbeck

“In early June the world of leaf and blade and flowers explode, and every sunset is different.”

Nat King Cole

“Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer.”

Henry James

“Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.”

Robert Bridges

“I know that if odor were visible, as color is, I’d see the summer garden in rainbow clouds.”

Margaret Atwood

“In the summer I was a wild child in the woods, with no shoes, and in the fall it was back to the city, shoe shops and school.”

Gary Shteyngart

“We know summer is the height of being alive.”

Wilma Rudolph

“When the sun is shining I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble is too difficult to overcome.”

K.D. Lang

“Sweet, sweet burn of sun and summer wind, and you, my friend, my new fun thing, my summer fling.”

Sarah Dessen

“In the summer, the days were long, stretching into each other. Out of school, everything was on pause and yet happening at the same time, this collection of weeks when anything was possible.”

Pablo Neruda

“Green was the silence, wet was the light, the month of June trembled like a butterfly.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea. Drink in the wild air.”

L.M. Montgomery

“I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June.”

Evelyn Waugh

“If it could only be like this always—always summer, always alone, the fruit always ripe.”

Jeannette Walls

“One benefit of summer was that each day we had more light to read by.”

Langston Hughes

“Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you.”

John Lubbock

“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.”

Al Bernstein

“Spring being a tough act to follow, God created June.”

John Steinbeck

“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness?”

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Regina Brett

“Summer is the annual permission slip to be lazy. To do nothing and have it count for something. To lie in the grass and count the stars. To sit on a branch and study the clouds.”

Katie Lee

“The grill is the summer equivalent of a fireplace; everyone gravitates to it.”

Kellie Elmore

“Some of the best memories are made in flip-flops.”

Katie Lee

“If summer had one defining scent, it’d definitely be the smell of barbecue.” —Katie Lee

Emily Dickinson

“To see the summer sky is poetry, though never in a book it lie—true poems flee.”

Jenny Han

“Everything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August.”

Robert Orben

“A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in.”

Maud Hart Lovelace

“It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside.”

William Shakespeare

“Summer’s lease hath all too short a date.”

Wallace Stevens

“The summer night is like a perfection of thought.”

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Helen Keller

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you will never see the shadows.”

There you have them, the best summer quotes ever. For those of us who live for the warm days, there never seems to be enough of them each year. The summer quotes bottle up the sun-kissed days we all cherish so much. Summer, forever! If you liked these summer quotes, keep reading for our favorite nature quotes.

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