Mamas Uncut

My Husband and I Disagree About When We Should Start Stocking Up on Baby Essentials: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about buying baby essentials. She is currently 12 weeks pregnant, and she and her husband are currently having a disagreement. She wants to start stocking up on baby stuff now because she likes to be prepared. Her husband, however, wants to wait to start buying baby things until she is at least six months pregnant. She asks other moms when they started stocking up on baby goods, and below, the community shares their advice.

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A member of the community asks:

“When did you start stocking up on baby things?”

“My husband and I are having a debate. When is the right time to start buying baby stuff? He thinks we should wait until I am around six months but I think we should start buying stuff now, and I am 12 weeks. When did you start? I think it’s better to be prepared.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Disagrees With Her Husband About When They Should Start Stocking Up on Baby Essentials

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

My Husband and I Disagree About When We Should Start Stocking Up on Baby Essentials: Advice?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“I didn’t have a whole lot for my first baby until after my baby shower at 7-8 months. After that, I based what I bought off of what I’d already received. No harm in thinking about a theme, or planning out what you would like and how you would like it arranged, though! I took a lot of time to think of a theme so I knew what to ask for at my shower, and I wish I’d at least planned the nursery, etc. a bit sooner!”

“6 months is about when we started to get serious. I had a loss before this one and I’m glad we waited to buy because that would have been very hard to purchase things and be reminded of it, you know? I’d wait until the 20 weeks mark-ish to start really getting into it.”

“I’d say if he doesn’t want to buy stuff yet, just buy a prepaid card and put money on it every payday. That way when you’re further along and he wants to buy the money is all there.”

“I would wait until a little later. I wanted to buy a ton of baby stuff when I found out at 8 weeks but I was glad I didn’t because we ended up losing the baby. It would have been even more painful to have to return all of it.”

“I would wait until 2nd trimester. That still gives you plenty of time to space out purchases.”

“As soon as you’re able to in my opinion. I started buying things at 8 weeks. Everyone in my family and friends all told me to wait and stop buying things until after the baby shower. Then COVID hit and no baby shower so, boy, am I glad I had already bought necessities or I would have been so much more stressed. Always be prepared!”

“We started to buy things at 12 weeks. I lost that baby. We then waited till I was four or 5 months with my twins.”

“I’m on baby number 4 and I always wait until I’m out of my first trimester but I then only buy 1 or 2 small things until after my baby shower that I have around 25 weeks after I find out the gender of the baby. Then after the shower, I buy a few things every payday until the baby is due.”

“I always waited til 6 months, just in case. I was worried to buy a bunch of stuff so early in case something went wrong.”

“Earlier lol. Not 6 months. That only really gives you 2 months to prep… I wanted more than that for my own sanity. I bought and looked my whole pregnancy slowly. And I wanted to be done by 8 months so not doing anything last minute. Wanted the room done and organized by 8 months. Had baby shower around 7 or 7.5 months so could finish up shopping and put everything away.”

“I waited until after my baby shower so I don’t have to make returns on things I already purchased. If you’re that concerned, you can also save money each paycheck that way you’re not having that financial burden closer. But honestly, I think 12 weeks is way too soon anyway. But do you, Boo. Do you!”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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