Mamas Uncut

Stepmom Wants Break From Her ‘Spoiled’ Stepkids, Plans Disney Trip Without Them

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A woman is being cited as a “wicked stepmother” after she asked the internet if she was out of line for admitting she wanted to go on a family trip to Disneyland Paris with her husband and 2-year-old daughter — sans her two stepkids.

In the now-deleted post, the woman gave some background information on her family dynamic.

Stepmom Wants Break From Her 'Spoiled' Stepkids, Plans Disney Trip Without Them
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She goes on to reveal how she has been with her current husband for the past four years. Her husband’s two older sons are from a previous relationship and they are with their father every other week. The couple raises their 2-year-old daughter together, full-time.

The woman goes on to admit she would like to be a blended family but says her husband’s sons are “spoilt children who get everything they want as soon as they click their fingers.”

In addition, she says “they are extremely rude to me and state I am not their family and don’t even say hello when they come to stay over,” she wrote in the post.

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She then added how the boys “make it extremely uncomfortable” for her whenever they visit their dad.

And to add to the chaos, their mom (her husband’s ex), is apparently not amazing either. The woman calls her a “complete b****” and claimed their mother encourages her sons’ poor behavior.

To top it all off, this last year has been very difficult for the poster, as she lost her father. And as a result of the tumultuous year, she thinks “a small break” with just her husband and her toddler would be a good idea. The mom decided then to look into Disneyland Paris.

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She thought it would be perfect as it is a short distance from the UK to Paris and it’s also budget-friendly, as kids under 3 get in for free. But if she brought her two stepsons, well, it would not only be more stressful, but also, more expensive.

“I am paying for it and wouldn’t be able to afford to take them,” she revealed. She adds that they have also been to Disneyland Paris and alluded that it probably wouldn’t be as exciting for them.

In addition, the woman’s husband pays “extortionate amounts of [child support]” to his ex, which she uses on designer clothes.

However, the stepmom says she wants to treat her stepsons to a few days of fun in a more local holiday park so they have an experience of their own. But many were quick to shut down the stepmother.

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