Mamas Uncut

Stay-At-Home Mom’s Boyfriend Asks What She Does All Day, She Decides To Film An Entire Day On TikTok

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Sierra and her boyfriend Giuseppe share two children together, Giulianna and Nicolai. But one day, the two got into an argument.

“Giuseppe made a comment about me not doing anything around the house while he worked. Once I thought about it, I realized so many other men out there have that same mentality,” Sierra told BuzzFeed.

Stay-At-Home Mom's Boyfriend Asks What She Does All Day, She Decides To Film An Entire Day On TikTok
Image via TikTok

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And so what did the clever mom do? She decided to document what she does all day and share it to TikTok.

In a time-lapse video, Sierra shared how she did the dishes, the laundry, bathe the kids — all the while tending to bids of affection from her kiddos.

She ended her video with: “Normally, I would be texting him asking what he wants for dinner, but tonight I’m just going to pour myself a drink and I just want to say a big f*** you to all the guys who don’t appreciate their women.”

Image via TikTok

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Sierra said that after her video went viral (a.k.a. 12 million plus views) she found just how strongly people felt about the topic. “I realized I was not alone and many moms experienced very similar feelings about this,” she said.

And to make it even more amazing is that her clip didn’t even show the entire day.

“I started filming the video around 4 p.m., so there is a lot more I did earlier in the day that wasn’t even shown in the video. A lot of prior cleanup, bottle making, diaper changing, food, art making, and more. My daughter is a sensory sealer, so our house has no shortness of messes,” said Sierra.

Image via TikTok

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She and Giuseppe did make up, and he apologized for what he said. 

“He has realized that what he said was wrong and realized how many things go on behind the scenes that can easily go unnoticed.”

Sierra said the message is simple: “For people who still think stay-at-home moms have it easy, I would just like to ask…at your job, do you get thrown up on or screamed at for picking the wrong color cup? Does your boss poop their pants and expect you to change it? No? I rest my case. It isn’t easy.”

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