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Excellent Star Wars Memes That Prove That the Force Is Still Strong On Social Media


The Star Wars’ saga has kept many sci-fi enthusiasts busy for more than 45 years and while the films have been the main culprit, Star Wars memes have played a major role in the sustained growth of the universe. On the internet today, Star Wars memes are all the rage. 

It all started in 1977 with the release of Episode IV: A New Hope, the first of what would become the original trilogy in the series. The film was followed by Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back in 1980 and Episode VI: Return of the Jedi in 1983. It’s one of the greatest trilogies in film history. 

Between 1999 and 2005, Star Wars’ creator George Lucas released a prequel trilogy – Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Episode II: Attack of the Clones, and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. The sequel trilogy (Episodes VII, VIII, and IX) was later released between 2015 and 2019.

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The Greatest Star Wars Memes of All-Time

After 45 years of excitement, the Star Wars franchise has no plans of slowing down and is even considering a return to the sequel trilogy era in the near future. Of course, the Star Wars universe is busy with The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett – both live-action TV series.

Considering how robust the Star Wars universe is and how engaged fans are in the story, it’s no surprise to see Star Wars memes plastered across the internet. It seems like everywhere you turn – blogs, social media, advertisements, etc. – Star Wars memes are being showcased. 

Some of the memes are relatable to just about any human being, while others are more targeted to the hardcore fans. Either way, Star Wars memes are known to make any Star Wars fan smile – for that reason, we’re going to share with you some of our all-time favorite Star Wars memes.

25. There’s a Lot to Digest…

The Mandalorian, a live-action television series inside the Star Wars saga, premiered in 2019 and is already two seasons in – with a third season rumored for February 2023 and a fourth season in the works. The events are set five years after the Return of the Jedi era, which would make sense to any avid Star Wars’ fan – at least it has a lot of action for the newcomers.  

24. The Different Colored Lightsabers

The three most popular lightsaber colors are green (Luke Skywalker, Yoda), blue (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker), and red (Darth Vader, Darth Maul). Green and blue are typically good guys (the light side), while red is reserved for the bad guys (dark side). The colors are created by Kyber crystals and they represent the force of the Jedi behind the lightsaber. 

23. The Star Wars’ Community is Passionate

Let’s be honest, we all know the Star Wars’ community is a passionate bunch and when someone walks into their territory with an opinion they don’t like, all hell breaks loose. They’ll start to come out of the woodwork and won’t be shy about their feelings. And if you happen to get yourself in the middle of an argument with a Star Wars’ fan, it’s best to back away slowly.

22. How The Scene Should’ve Gone

We all know how the story goes – Luke Skywalker learns that Darth Vader (who’s actually Anakin Skywalker) is his father. Darth Vader even goes as far as trying to convince Luke to join the dark side. Of course, Luke doesn’t fall for it and he remains a trusted Jedi. I guess peer pressure doesn’t impact all of us because Luke did what Ben Solo (Kylo Ren) couldn’t. 

21. It’s Just Jango Now

Mace Windu is a Jedi Master and champion of the Jedi Order who donned an amethyst lightsaber. Between 1999 and 2019, Windu was played by Samuel L. Jackson – the same actor who played Stephen in Django Unchained. That’s what makes it a little ironic when Windu kills a bounty hunter, Jango Fett. I guess it’s a small world, after all – even in the Star Wars universe.

20. The Real Anakin Skywalker

Everyone has their preference when it comes to the Star Wars saga. Some people prefer the animated series, some prefer the trilogies, and some prefer the short films. Of course, we can all agree that the LEGO series is special – unique. For those that agree, I’m sure you can relate to this Star Wars meme. And for those that don’t agree, well – to each their own, I guess. 

19. Anakin Took a Turn for the Worse

As a result of the Grand Experiment, which was deemed a failure, Anakin Skywalker was conceived via the Force and destined to help restore balance. Unfortunately, he has a vision of Padme dying and it creates a ripple effect that leads to his joining the dark side. What was supposed to be a positive for the force, actually turned out to be one of their worst nightmares.

18. COVID Has Overstayed Its Welcome

He goes by many names, most notably the Emperor, Darth Sidious, and Sheev Palpatine. He was a Dark Lord of the Sith and Emperor of the Galactic Empire. He’s one of those characters that never seems to go away – which reminds us of the COVID-19 pandemic. With new variants being discovered every few months, who knows if this illness will ever fully leave. 

17. Open Fire!

Battle droids play an important role in the Star Wars universe, being utilized in various galaxies – though they often have different names, such as war droids, droid soldiers, or clankers. They’re designed for combat and that’s what we see here– a battle droid signaling to open fire. Of course, this one is Christmas-themed – because why not? Who doesn’t like roasted chestnuts? 

16. Execute Order 66

Also known as Clone Protocol 66, Order 66 was a top-secret order from Darth Sidious that deemed all Jedi as traitors to the Galactic Empire – calling for them to be eliminated entirely. The clone troopers were programmed to follow this demand, leading to a large number of deaths. If anyone ever calls for Order 66 against you, chances are you just got yourself into big trouble.

15. When One Door Closes, Another One Opens

Alright, I’m sure we’ve all been there – you forget about the pizza in the oven and before you know it, the pizza is burnt. That’s exactly what happened in this photo, but when one door closes, another one opens. They turned the burnt pizza into the lava scene where Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi fight. It’s the fight that leads to Anakin becoming Darth Vader.

14. The Mandalorian Rules All

Pedro Pascal is an extremely popular actor that has gained a lot of attention for his roles as Oberyn Martell in Game of Thrones and Javier Pena in Narcos. Of course, he’s also the actor that plays The Mandalorian in The Mandalorian. To many Star Wars’ fans, he has become their favorite character in the universe. To be fair, he did bring new life to the franchise, after all. 

13. Mace Windu Meets Avatar

This Star Wars meme is pretty funny, but only if you get the joke. The four natural elements are earth, wind, water, and fire – much like in the Avatar: The Last Airbender series. With a little wordplay, you can take Mace Windu and creatively change his name to reflect the four elements – Wateru, Earth, and Fireu. It’s corny, I know, but can we agree that we all at least giggled at it? 

12. Is R2D2 a Sith Lord?

There are a multitude of Sith Lords mentioned throughout the Star Wars saga, but the six most notable ones include Darth Bane, Darth Plagueis, Darth Sidious, Darth Maul, Darth Tyranus, and Darth Vader. Of course, there are several theories that Jar Jar and even R2D2 are Sith Lords. There’s no way of confirming this, but we’re allowed to have our suspicions. 

11. I’m 18 Now, I’m an Adult!

This meme originated in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith, The Video Game in 2005. A clone trooper was relaying what we are all thinking anytime someone tells us what to do – especially when we’re an adult. Come on, don’t lie, you’ve said something similar when your parents tried to boss you around after you already moved it. Still, you should take their advice.

10. Boba Fett Is Different Than We Imagined

Before the release of The Book of Boba Fett, we didn’t know very much about Boba Fett – other than he was one of the most feared bounty hunters in the entire universe and he was a clone of his father, Jango Fett. Now that we’ve learned a lot more about his life, it’s clear that we had the wrong idea about Boba Fett – he’s still a badass, but now we have a story to go along with it. 

9. This Whole Operation Was Your Idea

This meme originated between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, which was released in 2005. Anyone who owns a cat will understand this feeling. They always want to be loved, until someone gives them the love – then they want out. That prompts us to say, “Wait a minute, you’re the one that wanted pets in the first place.”

8. He Doesn’t Get It… And He Never Will

Everyone knows that Anakin Skywalker had a terrible relationship with the Jedi High Council and while he was a representative for Sheev Palpatine, he would never truly earn the rank of Jedi Master. Apparently it’s something that Mace Windu holds over his head – hence the joke. Anakin’s son – Luke Skywalker – would become a Jedi Knight and eventually a Jedi Master.

7. It Can’t Come Soon Enough

Ahsoka is a very popular character that was featured in The Mandalorian and is now getting her very own spin-off series called Ahsoka. The main character will be played by Rosario Dawson and Anakin Skywalker will be played by Hayden Christensen. The new series was announced in December of 2020 and is currently scheduled to be released by Disney+ sometime in 2023.

6. Pray I Don’t Alter It Any Further

This meme originated in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, which was released in 1980. Darth Vader was ordering Princess Leia and Chewbacca to be transferred to the ship. One of his comrades disagrees with the notion, which leads Vader to say, “I am altering the deal, pray I don’t alter it any further” – sounds like anyone who has ever made a New Year’s Resolution.

5. Lightsaber > Basic Human Needs

Star Wars’ collectable items are always going to be a hot topic on the market – everyone wants them, but all the good ones are far too expensive for most people to afford. Still, if I have to drop over $300 to get a realistic lightsaber, then I’m going to do it – and I won’t regret it, even if I have other bills that are more important. I’m sure any other Star Wars fan will completely understand. 

4. Hello There!

This meme originated in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge Of The Sith in 2007. It’s a famous line spoken with grace by Obi-Wan Kenobi as he prepares to battle General Grievous – who immediately responds by saying, “General Kenobi.” The two exchange some words before Kenobi defeats Grievous – despite his four arms, each of which is equipped with a lightsaber. 

3. The Force Needs 5 More Minutes…

Alright, this might be one of the most relatable Star Wars memes on this list. The Force Awakens is the seventh film in the Star Wars saga. The title is a testament to the 10-year hiatus the franchise took between films six and seven, but also the emergence of Rey and Kylo Ren. Of course, sometimes the force needs an extra five minutes before it finally wakes up. 

2. R2D2 Has a Filthy Mouth

R2D2 is one of the most popular and beloved characters in the entire Star Wars universe. The astromech droid originally served Padmé Amidala before serving Anakin and Luke Skywalker, respectively. While many people believe he talks through his beeping noises, what they’re scared to admit is that R2D2 actually has a filthy mouth and is constantly being bleeped out.

1. But At Least My Grandson Likes Me!

Anakin Skywalker burns most of the bridges he once built. He gets both of his legs cut off by his best friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi. His wife, Padmé Amidala, loses interest in him once he turns to the dark side. His children, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker, want to kill him. Above all that, he does have one thing – his grandson, Ben Solo (son of Princess Leia), also known as Kylo Ren.

Which Are Your Favorite Star Wars Memes?

What’s not to like about Star Wars memes? They’re not only funny and relatable, but they’re an excellent way to share your love for the saga with like-minded individuals. That’s why you see so many people tagging their friends in Star Wars memes online – it’s a great way to network!

While the 25 Star Wars memes listed above are some of our favorites on the internet today, it’s only the beginning of what the almighty ‘net’ has to offer. There are millions of Star Wars memes online and there’s nothing stopping anyone – including you – from making their own memes. 

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With that said, we challenge you to share with us your favorite Star Wars memes of all-time. Who knows, we might feature them in our next article. And for those that don’t have a favorite Star Wars meme or are bored with the ones already out there, make your own and send it to us!

If you loved those Star Wars memes and want even more fun, take a look at our favorite Seinfeld memes that really capture the essence of the show! Are they the funniest memes on the internet? You get to decide!

Take a Look At These Hilarious Seinfeld Memes and Try Your Best Not to Laugh!

Good Morning

Seinfeld Memes

Let’s kick off this list of Seinfeld memes with one of the best of the best. We find Elaine on a morning commute. “These disgusting animals. These people should all be in a cage,” the meme says. If you’ve ever lived in a city big enough to have a train network, you know that the morning commute is a test of will. We’re sure there are many folks who can relate to this one.

Still Slaps


“You know, a lot of these scratches will buff right out…” the caption for this meme reads. Have you ever bought a car off of Craigslist only to find the vehicle was not as advertised? If so, this one’s for you. There’s something to be said about optimists and trying to make the best out of an impossible situation.

We’ve All Been There


This is one of the Seinfeld memes that perfectly captures the essence of the show. “So, what did you do last night?” Jerry asks. “Nothing,” Elaine responds and she really means it. For a show that’s seemingly about nothing, we find so much substance in the subtle interactions about everyday life.

The Style Icon


“Everyone is trying to dress like George Costanza these days,” the caption for this meme reads. Take a close look at each of George’s sartorial choices and you’ll quickly realize the things he wore that seemed absolutely uncool at the time are actually in style today. Giant puffer jackets, jumpsuits, clear-framed glasses, and fanny packs have all made a comeback. What a legend!



In case this was not immediately clear, this meme uses JAY-Z’s “99 Problems” to bring it to life. “If you’re having girl problems, I feel bad for you son…” the setup reads. “Stick a fork in me, Jerry, I’m done,” Kramer replies. What a true gem!

It Feels Right


“When you beat Google Maps’ estimated arrival time by 3 minutes,” the setup reads. “Nobody drives like me. Nobody,” George says. This is one of the best Seinfeld memes for those of us who take deep pleasure in arriving at your destination even the slightest bit earlier than the ETA Google Maps predicts. It really can feel like an achievement.

Adulting Is Hard


We had to include one of the best Seinfeld memes for parents out there. “When you can’t sleep on weekends anymore,” the setup for this meme reads. “I’m on no sleep, no sleep,” Seinfeld says. We’re pretty certain there are countless parents out there who have been robbed of sleeping in on the weekends thanks to their brood. We too are on “no sleep, no sleep.”

What a Dream


“It’s a Festivus miracle!” Kramer proclaims. Who else has managed to end the year with your leftover vacation days so you don’t have to work? It’s no easy feat but when it is done right, it certainly feels miraculous. This is such a great meme to send around the holidays, especially to coworkers and friends in your office.

Life Is Happening Too Fast


“When Facebook shows you a memory from 7 years ago,” the setup for this meme reads. “Look away, I’m… I’m hideous,” the caption of Kramer’s dialogue reads. Who among us has ever taken a look at one of those memories and realized you might not be aging as gracefully as you thought? It can feel like a cruel joke but you can take it.

That Look


This is hands-down one of our favorite Seinfeld memes because it’s so stupid. Sometimes the best memes use no dialogue and instead use only visuals to tell a story. We get a version of a shot-reverse-shot between Jerry Seinfeld and Lady Gaga. It’s open to interpretation and is just so stupid you can’t help but fall in love.



One of the all-time best lines to ever drop on Seinfeld was delivered by George. It’s the ultimate comeback that’s the envy of the show’s audience. “Well, the jerk store called. They’re running out of you,” George proclaims. This is one of the Seinfeld memes that uses a poetic setup to form a lyrical pair. “Roses are red, Violets are blue,” is all it takes to put this meme over the top.

Modern Love


Well, we’ve found one of the Seinfeld memes that has been put to good use to tell a truth about dating life today. “When I like them, they don’t like me,” George tells Jerry. “When they like me, I don’t like them.” This is such an excellent meme about dating and how difficult it is to find someone to connect with. We’re sure there are many folks out there who can relate.

Seinfeld VS. Friends


Okay, this is downright hilarious. In fact, it’s one of our favorite Seinfeld memes on the list. We find a poll at the top of the meme that says that 95% are more like the sitcom Friends as opposed to just 5% that align with Seinfeld. To this info, Jerry and Elaine seem to have some opinions. “95 percent of the population is undateable?” Elaine asks. “Undateable!” Jerry responds. We could not agree more.

What’s the Big Deal


This is one of the Seinfeld memes that’s great to send once sweater weather turns into the bitter cold. For the characters in Seinfeld, it’s that time of year to bust out ridiculously decadent fur coats. It’s excellent because we have all been embarrassed on someone else’s behalf before. Yikes!



Here’s another one of the really stupid Seinfeld memes that made us giggle. Any comparisons between Jerry Seinfeld and Queen Bey, Beyonce, are ultimately pointless because it’s like comparing an apple to a diamond. Alas, this silly meme finds Jerry wearing a frilly shirt that’s similar to the dress worn by the singer on the cover of Vogue magazine.

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Truth Hurts


Seinfeld fans are fiercely protective of their beloved show and there is an ongoing beef between them and fans of Friends. It’s an age-old comparison that will likely be the “Beatles or the Rolling Stones?” sort of question for this generation. The man pictured in this meme has some thoughts. “Seinfeld is way better than Friends,” his sign reads in front of a billboard promoting Friends. Let’s get it right, folks!



Sometimes comedians are so tuned-in to the pulse of culture that they are able to predict the future. “Jerry predicting social media,” the setup for this meme reads. “It’s very important for human beings to feel they care popular and well-liked amongst a large group of people that we don’t care for.” Has anyone ever nailed it as Jerry did?

Keep Going, Folks


“My whole life has been a complete waste of time,” George tells Jerry. “And there’s so much more to go,” Jerry replies. It’s one of those Seinfeld memes that hits pretty close to home. We’re sure that many of you can relate to this meme on one level or another. And, Jerry’s response is just priceless. We’re all in this slog together and don’t forget it!

What a Pleasure


Here’s one of the few Seinfeld memes that’s been made to comment on mental health in a light way. “Every time I forget to take my anti-depressants” the setup reads. Then, we see George captioned saying, “I feel like my old self again, totally inadequate, completely insecure, paranoid, neurotic. It’s a pleasure.” For those of us who are currently medicated, this feels oh, so right.

‘Tis the Season

Without a doubt, one of our team’s favorite Seinfeld memes is yet another one to feature George. “Now that it’s getting colder out,” the setup reads. “I gotta focus. I’m shifting into soup mode,” George says. Is this true for you when early fall hits? Who else out there lives for soup season? It’s truly a blessing. Thanks, George.

About Right


Have you ever gotten halfway through your work week only to feel completely exhausted and unable to carry on? Who hasn’t? This meme imagines that sort of feeling in meme form. “All right, that’s enough. I gotta go home and take a nap.” It’s one of the most relatable Seinfeld memes for the overworked and under-rested out there.

When That Cold Weather Hits


Who among us goes right for the beanies when the temperature dips below 60 degrees? This is the meme for you! We find George in a humongous fur hat and something about it feels so right yet so wrong. It’s one of the Seinfeld memes that’s a visual gag and that sort of meme composition is always best.

Crown Her


How about this meme that finds Elaine looking like a 1990s power boss? Let’s put her in charge of everything? For us, anytime that Elaine was put front and center in an episode of the show, it was a real highlight. Has there ever been anyone funnier than Julia Louis-Dreyfus? We think she’s the greatest of all time. Let’s all just frame this one.

It’s the Only Way


We get an assist from Sandra Bullock in Bird Box for this meme. This is one of the Seinfeld memes that’s best for hardcore fans of the show that might neglect “Intelligent conversations, trying new things, having a social life, and adult responsibilities.” That’s all just fine as long as your attention is on that episode of Seinfeld that you’ve already seen 33 times.

The Sunday Night Scaries


Who else dreads the work week like the plague? This is the perfect meme for you that finds Elaine looking especially taxed, saying “It’s gonna be awful.” It’s just so relatable. Hang in there, people. We’re all going to make it!

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Vandelay Industries


Here is one of the Seinfeld memes for true fans of the series. Vandelay Industries is a fictional company that George claims to have been interviewed for as a latex salesman when applying for an extension at the unemployment office in Season Three. This silly meme picks fun at that hilarious episode and marries it with another pop cultural touchstone, V for Vendetta.

But, For Real


One of the best Seinfeld memes to share over the holidays, this one is another meme that relies on visual storytelling over captions. “Visiting your parents’ house over the holidays…” the setup reads. Then, we’re treated to an image of George with his parents, Estelle and Frank. Has there ever been a more honest image?

Coming Through


It’s okay to be a huge fan of Seinfeld, but some of you could use some chill. We’re not entirely sure what sort of violence is going on in this meme but we understand that a man jumping into a crowd that says “Obscure Seinfeld references” and “People having normal conversations.” What did we do to deserve such chaos?

Let’s Get Real


Here’s yet another one of the Seinfeld memes that pits the series against Friends. When asked about Friends, Jerry seems to say, “I haven’t found the humor in it… nor do I seek it.” What a sick burn! For those in the know, this meme really is golden.

There you go! We hope you enjoyed these very fun Seinfeld memes and that you will consider sending some to your friends. It’s truly one of the most iconic and classic TV shows and the memes prove that there is still plenty of love out there for it.

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