Mamas Uncut

25+ Grouchy Squidward Memes That Will Make You Feel Seen

Squidward memes represent some of the very best memes inspired by SpongeBob SquarePants. Squidward, the perennially grouchy squid working at Krusty Krab, is one of the most relatable characters from the show because he rarely showed interest in anything and when he did, it ended up badly for him, leaving him feeling further burned by life. Of all the characters from the show, Squidward was the only one to really tell it like it is.

We decided to search for the best Squidward memes and we discovered dozens of amazing ones ranging from relatable to downright hilarious. If you are looking for some truly amazing Squidward memes to share with your friends and loved ones, you have come to the right place. Take a look at our finds below!

We Are All Squidward

Squidward Memes

Here’s an excellent Squidward meme that takes actually dialogue spoken by the character from the show to make its point. Squidward has always been so real about life.

Try Again Later


“Please come again. When I’m not working,” this Squidward meme says. Do you ever wish you could say this to some of your clients? We imagine we have all been in this sort of mood at one point or another.



“When you drop your smartphone on your face,” this Squidward meme is captioned. For those of us that read on our phones before bed, we all know that special kind of pain that occurs when you drop your phone on your face. Ouch!

Just Fine


“When everything’s going wrong but [I] act like nothing’s wrong,” this Squidward meme says above an image of our pal that looks like he has rocks embedded into his face. We all put on a brave face occasionally even in that means feeling completely chaotic on the inside.

The Morph


We find a SpongeBob and Squidward meme that finds the pair combined into one character. “When you spend so much time with your friend that you start morphing into the same person,” the caption says.

It’s All Their Fault


“Me driving to work cursing my [parents] for birthing me into a world of responsibilities I didn’t ask for,” this Squidward meme says above an image of the character looking rather unhappy in a seashell car.

Never Hurts to Look


You know you always have to double-check to make sure nothing better has been added to the menu, okay? Will you actually order that better something if you ever see it? It’s not likely and that’s fine. This Squidward meme about the weird mundane things we do is brilliant.

Mornings Suck


Mornings can be tough, especially when you’re a parent. In this SpongeBob meme, we get an assist from Squidward’s face. Hitting that snooze button is something we all do these days, right? If you’re not a morning person, this could be a radically relatable meme for you. We do not judge no matter how many times you hit that snooze button.

How Else Do You Treat Your Pals?


We love our dogs so much. We love them to the point that we dress them up in cute outfits and wear strange things wrapped around their necks. So, this Squidward meme about babying our dogs even when they don’t want it feels pretty appropriate. Our fur babies are just so sweet that we want them to feel the love and that’s okay.

RELATED: 30 Funniest SpongeBob Memes of All Time

Social Media Is Not the Best


Is Squidward having a “feeling cute, might delete later” moment? This Squidward meme imagines that. Social media can be a fickle pickle so don’t let it get you down, folks. Just enjoy funny memes on your preferred platform instead. You won’t regret it! Never let yourself feel like a sad Squidward. Those are words to live by.

As One Does


One really must purchase Girl Scout cookies at every available opportunity. We did not make the rules. They just are what they are. This hilarious Squidward meme finds our friend in bed thinking of his last five bucks and how it will inevitably fall into the hands of a Girl Scout in his near future. You can’t stop the unstoppable folks, so let go of that fiver.

Just Keep Scrubbing


The last few years have proven to be a wild ride. We won’t go into specifics because we’d hate to make you think of anything except how good these SpongeBob memes are, but most of us feel a bit frayed at the edges and that is just how it goes now. If you’ve ever found yourself stress-cleaning as a way to escape from your own thoughts, this remarkable meme should feel pretty relatable to you. It sure did for us.

Tell It Like It Is


“And what could be better than serving up smiles?” SpongeBob asks in this Squidward meme. “Being dead, or anything else,” Squidward replies. If you’re not automatically all smiles, we imagine you can relate to this very funny meme.



“When you introduce your new friend to your old friend and they started hanging out without you,” this Squidward meme says. This template is one of the most popular among Squidward memes because it perfectly captures how we feel that fear of missing out.

For Real


Who does not love free? In the above Squidward meme, we find the character putting out a chair for the free trial and then picking it right back up when asked for credit card details. Squidward clearly knows that is how they get you.

Sad But True


“When [you are about] to sleep and hear a noise downstairs but you don’t gotta pay student loans if [you’re] murdered,” this darkly funny Squidward meme says. For those of us with student debt that feels like we will never be able to pay off, this meme feels pretty darn relatable.



Here’s another popular Squidward meme template that finds the character looking rather sheepish on a bench. “Me: Hits bug on the wall seeing it fall down,” the caption says. “Also me not finding the bug on the ground.” Who else is so terrified of bugs that this one makes sense?

Why Are We Like This?


A Krabby Patty stands in as a visual metaphor for a shower in this Squidward meme. For whatever reason, the thought of taking a shower is always much worse than actually taking the shower. We do not know why that is a rule but it totally is.

No Shame


“Me shamelessly starting my day at 3:45 PM,” this Squidward meme says above an image of our pal slyly leaving his bed. If you are a late riser, don’t let anyone shame you, folks.



“When [you] find out [your] phone wasn’t charging overnight,” the caption of this Squidward meme says. We have all been there! It’s a terrible realization to come to and it could potentially wreck your whole morning. Not fun!

Two Faces


“Hearing a great joke but you don’t like the person who told it,” the above Squidward meme is captioned. In the foreground, we find an unenthusiastic Squidward but behind him, we find his inner being laughing. Do you do this?

It’s Hard Out There


“When you’re under 12 layers of stress and anxiety but you’re still trying to maintain the appearance of functionality,” this Squidward meme says. It’s rough out there! Take care of your mental health if you are having issues coping with stress and anxiety.

We All Grow


“Being a child is when you enjoy Squidward’s misery,” this Squidward meme’s caption says. “Being an adult is feeling his pain.” This certainly rings true for us. We did not know that SpongeBob SquarePants was actually predicting our future.

Just Not Right


“When you get out of work after they played Christmas music your whole shift,” the caption of this meme reads. This Squidward meme is for anyone who works in the service industry as you all know the horror and pain Christmas causes.

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The Difference


Why does food from the oven taste infinitely better than it does from the microwave? This Squidward meme perfectly captures the difference with a brilliant visual metaphor.

If you liked these Squidward memes, keep reading for even more amazing memes from the recesses of the internet. Next up, we have some hilarious parenting memes to share with you.

Parent with Pride


Seriously, virtual high-five to the parent who not only thought of this but had it actually work on their child. We should all be so lucky. Now it’s totally up to you to see how many times you can get away with this trick. Even though it is a smart one, your little one might catch on before your eyes.

Surviving Is Thriving


Kids take everything for granted. Sometimes they just need a gentle reminder that they’re lucky to be kicking on this chaotic planet. No matter what thought, we love the little buggers, even though it might seem like the exact opposite sometimes. We’re all lucky to have each other in this chaotic life. So go ahead and argue, you’re still family.   

Treasure Those Special Moments


“I know, I know, 10 years from now I’ll be all misty-eyed or whatever, thinking about how much I miss their cute little sassy (see: terrorist) selves at bedtime, but it is NOT THIS F’ING NIGHT,” the mom who shared this meme noted. Okay! Getting a kid to bed can be a nightmare, so we know where this comes from. 

What’s In a Name


Now, you know why parents went with Apple, Dream, and Blue as baby names. Any object is better than your acquaintances. Finding the perfect name can be hard, we’ll be honest, there are a few names we already have crossed off on our list of possible choices. We don’t judge and we’d hope you wouldn’t either. This stays between us.



How do we get on this level? This is the best parenting meme because it’s actually a teaching moment. May we all find a hack as this mom did. There’s nothing like coming up with a creative solution right when things are getting out of control. We don’t blame this mom for doing what she had to do. Rock on!

10’s Across the Board

  1. Some days are easier than others but wow, is being a parent exhausting. This parenting meme has got us figured out. This meme shows exactly how discombobulating it can be and how it leaves you just a little drained sometimes. Kids come with a lot of energy, and sometimes it requires you to be a little more resilient than normal.  


Hard Truths


Unfortunately, it’s just going to get harder and harder. Hang in there, you got this, parents! Sometimes you’ll be prepared and sometimes you won’t but none of that will matter. All that matters is that you stick it through until you come out the other side of it. No matter what scratches, scrapes and bruises. You can get through it.

8 Long, Hours…


Here’s a parenting meme for those of us who can only get stuff done after the kids are down. It’s a cruel world out there. We know you’re all out there fighting to be the best you can possibly be and that includes when it comes to raising your kids. SO yeah you might not get a bunch of sleep.

Remain Optimistic


“It will end in tears” perfectly predicts the future for any child activity in their first several years of life. Tough it out, parents. You will survive. Those kids are gonna make a lot of small things seem huge and you’re gonna have to navigate the feelings that come with that. We have faith that you’ll be able to manage.

Where’s the Lie?


For sure! This is a fact. We’re certain many moms out there would relate to. We love a parenting meme that uncovers a universal truth.  When a kid spends so much time being dependent on you. It’s hard for them not to think that you can’t make it work. They’ll learn soon enough that you can’t do everything for them.

Oddly Specific, Totally Relatable


It’s crazy the things we will overlook in order for a little break here and there. At times, you have to let go and let the little things count for something. We all have those days when we just can’t pull ourselves together, so we let the universe do what it has to do so we don’t get too overwhelmed.

Old as Dirt


If they only, knew! This parenting meme captures what it’s like parenting in the digital age. It’s wild! Given that google was founded in 1998, it’s absolutely true tht some people are a bit older than the website. Isn’t it wild to think about how this thing has only been in our lives for such a short amount of time.

“Free Time”


When running errands, mostly for the benefit of your children, you tell yourself it’s “me time.” It’s the only way any of us are going to make it through.  Those little moments of free time definitely matter the most. Especially when it seems like they’re the only free time you’re going to get. We say enjoy all those grocery runs!



This parenting meme is also a sage prediction of what will come. Wait for this day and then live accordingly. Once it happens, you’ll totally see just how ,uch you can get done, whether it’s ends up being a spa day for yourself, or working on a project that you haven’t been able to get to. Those days are golden.

Reap What You Sow


Parenting is fun! You’ll discover many opportunities for teachable moments. But sometimes mistakes happen, and we know that there’s so much love that you can pack into a little note., Even one about stale bread. Remember folks, teach your kids to close the bread box when they’re done nursing it.  It could save them from stale lunchbox sandwiches they hate.

Deep Breaths


A parenting meme that also doubles as health advice. Do all that’s in your power to do that grocery run on your own. KIds make the experience a little bit more stressful. Not that we can blame them for that though, they’re just trying to make the best out of the situation they’re in. They still have lots to learn.

RELATED: 7 Hilarious Parenting Memes to Start Your Week Off Right

It’s Hard


If someone says to you, “Parenting is only hard if you make it hard,” then you know that you can never trust them with anything. Politely excuse them from your life for the rest of your days. Parenting is hard because you’re raising person, and with that comes a wide variety that we can’t always be prepared for. Life’s chaotic!

They’ve Got a Lot of Fight In Them


Have you ever seen a better representation of a child’s at-home schedule? This deserves all the parenting meme awards. At this point, you’ve got the younger kids all figured out. Now you just have to get ready for what might be a rapid change when they start becoming teenagers.That might just be a whole different battle that you face.

Imagine a Day When They Want Their Breathe to Smell Nice


Dear parent, a day will come when your child will eventually want to brush their teeth. When that rolls around, you have to start worrying about them kissing other children. KIds move fast, and a lot of the time they’re a tricky bunch to navigate, but we believe that you have all the skills you need to handle their chaos.

If Only They Taught This in Sex Ed.


In this parenting meme, we find the perfect representation of how time works when you’re a parent. You’ll have to look rather hard to find “me time.” Sometimes, it just falls into place right when you need it. And we can’t help but thank the universe when it does. Like we said, kids are chaos, you have to be order.

Harsh Reality


This! You used to be fun, and now you’ve gotta adjust the way you live your life because you decided to bring someone else into the same crazy would you’re living. Now, all you can do is adapt and hope for the best. Look on the bright side though! You get to rase a person, isn’t that just insanely cool?

Baby Boss


You know who is really in charge! Follow this mom’s advice and you can kill two birds with one stone. Watch as those telemarketing calls start to slow after the third time you’ve repeated this step. This is  fun way to watch those robo calls slowly disappear from your life, because who want’s to talk to a baby spewing nonsense? 

Take a Break


Yes, sleep is all we really need. Try and find some time for yourself, parents! You never really know how much you’ve been missing sleep until the opportunity comes and you knock out on the sofa with your partner right beside you. It’s moments like this this definitely make up for a large number of days where you can’t sleep. 

Step It Up, Dads


This parenting meme captures the white-hot rage you might have experienced in which your husband is being useless and your baby is torturing you to death. Who else has been there? How about you go wake him up and put the baby in is arms. It’s his turn to deal with all the trials and tribulations that come with children.

Screen Time Is the Dream Time


Simply reply, “Okay.” You’ll live to see them walk it back. Screen time isn’t so bad honestly, maybe though, it might be smart to limit how much time your kids can be in front of a screen. No hard and fast rules though, just enough so that they’re know theres other things to do without a phone in their hands. 

You’re Doing Fine


Just do your best. It’s all you can do. THis particular combo is isn’t one that we’ve heard of ourselves, but hey, kids can be a little gross sometimes. We just gotta role with  it. That being said, this shows that even when you might know exactly what your kid needs, it might be hard to get them to comply.

Living the Dream


Have you ever wanted some alone time this badly? This parenting meme feels oh, so relatable especially when school’s not having in-person learning (but, we do want those kids to stay safe!). WE do know how it can feel to be trapped in a house with your kids driving you crazy. We say, find ways to make it more enjoyable.



It’s not so bad! Just let them wear whatever they want. Kids sare just kid, it doesn’t really matter what they wear outside, we just want them to be wearing something. Is that too much to ask for? We don’t think so,  and we know a lot of you would agree.  Sometimes though, we lose when it comes to what.

“The Look”


We all recognize this expression, right? It’s been called “the look” and we think that’s the perfect name for it. Don’t let that face crack, parents. We’ve had this look pointed towards us more than a few times, and we definitely know what it means. When your mom gives you this look, you better stop what you’re doing, like immediately.

Where There’s a Will…


Meet a future climber of Mount Everest. Some advice only goes so far if you’ve got the right type of kid. It’s a miracle they make it to adulthood. We should have known that these adventurous little tykes would find their way  up the stairs. One wayor another.They’ll find a way over any obstacle that is in their way. 

They’re Gross


Kids are disgusting little animals! Animals that we love and look cute at times, but animals nonetheless. IF you’ve ever had a kid put something in their mouth that they’re not supposed to, only to have them deny it when you ask them about it, you know how tricky the little buggers can be. We suppose we’ve done the same. 

Oh, You Know


You know each little moment counts when you’re a mom. Make them count for you from the comfort of your midsize sedan. Those little private moments will take you a long way if your ability to take them is few and far between. Even still though, those little moments might also be when you’re hanging out with your little ones.

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Checks Phone


We leave you with this parenting meme that will make you feel as seen as you’ve ever been. Who else has a similar system for their contacts? Sometimes, you don’t notice when you’ve made the switch but when you do, there’ll be no denying it. You have officially made it to adulthood. It might be trippy, but you got this. 

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