Mamas Uncut

30 Funniest SpongeBob Memes of All Time

SpongeBob memes are everywhere. In fact, they are one of the internet’s evergreen source of good humor and fun. Everybody loves SpongeBob SquarePants so it’s only natural that there are thousands of memes inspired by the adorable, animated series. There are so many SpongeBob memes out there that you might be wondering where to start to find the funniest of them. We are here to help!

We decided to gather up the most hilarious SpongeBob memes circulating on the internet so that you have a source for all things silly and SpongeBob-y. We must admit that there are so many awesome memes inspired by SpongeBob that it was rather a chore to narrow it down to just a few dozen. But, we managed to pull our favorites, and now we want to share them with you. If you’re looking for some innocent fun, take a look at the most beloved SpongeBob memes of all time!

These Hilarious SpongeBob Memes Will Make You Want a Krabby Patty.

The Mask

SpongeBob Memes

In this SpongeBob meme, we find our favorite character looking smoother than usual. Someone thought it was the perfect opportunity to comment on the way we perform etiquette versus how we actually behave. If you’ve ever felt you were being totally fake when meeting someone, you’re clearly not alone. What a fantastic meme!

Sad Girl Music


Who can relate to this SpongeBob meme about this weird thing that many of us do? If you’ve ever cranked up that sad music when you were feeling low, you’re not the only one. It seems counterintuitive but listening to sad music actually makes you happier. When you hear a song that you connect with, your brain releases dopamine (the feel-good hormone) that actually can lift your spirits. Science, baby!

No Greetings for Patrick


Do you get in your feelings when a friend does not reply to your texts? This is the perfect SpongeBob meme for you! In fact, we’re sure that sending this meme to someone who has not replied to you is a pretty good idea. Be patient, but this meme works just about every time.



Is making your bed the most exercise you generally get in a week? It’s harder than it looks, right? We love this silly SpongeBob meme about the struggle to properly slip on a fitted sheet. The process can feel like a real acrobatic achievement but if it gets you down, remember you could be trying to fold a fitted sheet instead…

New Tunes


Does finding new music for your seasonal playlists fill you with excitement? We’ve got a SpongeBob meme for you all about the joys of discovering new tunes. Take a look at the adorable face on SpongeBob here. Is this meme pure perfection or what?

These Strange Times We Live In


Wearing facemasks was simply too much for many people? If living through a pandemic has taught us one thing it’s that many people are so self-involved that they can’t even be bothered to do the smallest thing to help the greater good. If you found yourself frustrated by folks’ inability to do the bare minimum, this is the best SpongeBob meme for you!

You Have Got to Make Sure


You know you always have to double-check to make sure nothing better has been added to the menu, okay? Will you actually order that better something if you ever see it? It’s not likely and that’s fine. This SpongeBob meme about the weird mundane things we do is brilliant.

Not the Best with a Test


This image of SpongeBob is the most perfect thing to ever be meme’d. This was our favorite of the many captions we saw on it. If you’ve ever struggled with a particular subject in school, this should feel pretty relatable to you. Did anyone else struggle with trigonometry or was that just me?



Here’s a SpongeBob meme for all the folks who don’t picture well. If you find it unbearable to see photos of yourself, that’s totally fine. We all have self-esteem issues in one way or another. This one pokes fun at them with a touch of humor. This meme is priceless!

On Flying


It’s amazing how much technology has shaped our lives. Planes are safer, more affordable, and more used than ever before. They are up to about any task, including flight through bad weather. What they cannot deal with, however, is mobile phones interfering with signals. How can that even be? This SpongeBob meme seems to really want to know.

Mind. Blown.


At first, this SpongeBob meme feels like a valid point considering the outside shape of SpongeBob’s house versus the corners that are inside of it. But, then, miraculously, the meme takes an even funnier turn thanks to a comment about the actual absurdity of SpongeBob SquarePants‘ premise. None of it makes any sense!

Take a Closer Look


For all of us who feel like we’re slowly expiring inside, here’s a SpongeBob meme we can all agree on. In the first image, we find an infectiously happy character that we all know and love. But, take a deeper look, and you’ll discover that the image holds something melancholic. Is SpongeBob putting up a front? Should we be concerned?

Good Morning


Mornings can be tough, especially when you’re a parent. In this SpongeBob meme, we get an assist from Squidward’s face. Hitting that snooze button is something we all do these days, right? If you’re not a morning person, this could be a radically relatable meme for you. We do not judge no matter how many times you hit that snooze button.



It’s pretty wild how we can fork over the same amount of money for different goods but have a completely different emotional response to each. Perhaps all of us have internalized how bad our reliability on fossil fuels really is. Bravo to the maker of this exceptional SpongeBob meme!

Scary Stuff


If you’ve ever gotten sneaky in the kitchen, this SpongeBob meme about the microwave alert beep should feel pretty real. Even without the caption, this image pulled from the show is pretty spectacular. We love the character’s sly expression here. We’re pretty sure there are some parents out there who look just like this when they’re trying not to wake that baby.

It’s the Thought That Counts


We love our dogs so much. We love them to the point that we dress them up in cute outfits and wear strange things wrapped around their necks. So, this SpongeBob meme about babying our dogs even when they don’t want it feels pretty appropriate. Our fur babies are just so sweet that we want them to feel the love and that’s okay.

Expectations VS Reality


There is so much SpongeBob content to pull from that this person has fashioned an excellent meme about dueling realities. It’s the perfect sort of “how it started/ how it’s going” meme but in SpongeBob form. You know life takes turns that we never see coming. If you’re still kicking, you’re doing something right. Don’t beat yourself up!

RELATED: 33 Funny Parenting Memes That Get Exactly What You’re Going Through

Finding the Culprit


Do you have trouble managing your own money? It’s not as easy as everyone seems to make it look. This SpongeBob meme is all about owning up to the fact that oftentimes you can be your own worst enemy. We love that cute wanted poster from the show as well! There’s something about how innocent SpongeBob looks sitting over the word “MANIAC.” A very solid meme!



Is this the best SpongeBob meme on the list? We’d like you to take it under consideration. If you’ve ever had too many cold-brewed coffees and let your thumbs rip on that smartphone, this should be pretty relatable. This image is also proof that SpongeBob SquarePants is a perfect television show.

Non Parlo Italiano


Here’s one of the dumbest SpongeBob memes to make us really laugh. We’re not exactly sure what’s happening here but perhaps it was last in translation. If you ever find yourself on the receiving end of the question, “Do you speak Italian?,” here’s the best meme to send as a reply. Will they be confused? Absolutely. Will you have accomplished your life’s mission? Absolutely.

Social Media Is Tough


Is Squidward having a “feeling cute, might delete later” moment? This SpongeBob meme imagines that. Social media can be a fickle pickle so don’t let it get you down, folks. Just enjoy funny memes on your preferred platform instead. You won’t regret it! Never let yourself feel like a sad Squidward. Those are words to live by.

A Classic


There’s a whole subgenre of SpongeBob memes that use this image and the caption, “Ight Imma Head Out.” People have altered it in many, many different ways but this one feels like a true classic. It’s all about that push and pull we all feel under capitalism. If you’ve ever had to check your bank account to get motivated for work, this SpongeBob meme is the one for you.

Be Cool


If you’ve got a healthy case of social anxiety or even generalized anxiety disorder, we’ve found the best SpongeBob meme for you. It’s not always easy to look calm and collected when you feel like you’re screaming inside and this fantastic meme captures that sensation rather well. We’re sure each one of us has been in a school or work situation and felt the same.

It’s the Best


You know, friendship truly is the best gift you can give anyone so don’t feel too bad. That’s doubly true if you did check your bank account but decided against work. This could be the perfect SpongeBob meme to send to a friend you’re really close with. It’s okay to be broke. It happens to the best of us.



Here’s a hilarious SpongeBob meme that imagines the show as the inspiration behind Breaking Bad. It’s a blast to think about. Krabby Patties might seem like low stakes but any SpongeBob SquarePants viewer knows they can be matters of grave importance. Is Sheldon Plankton the Walter White in this situation?

Fresh Cut


This SpongeBob meme is perfect for anyone who went in for a little cut and walked out with something dramatically different. Hair stylists are not magicians but they can perform what feels like the supernatural on your hair if you’re not careful. This meme is so unhinged in every way and we love it.

Life Imitates Art


Take a good look at Eugene Harold Krabs. Can you decipher who is who in the above images? The likeness is shocking here. We’re getting real chicken or the egg vibes off of this SpongeBob meme. We’re not sure who put this together but it’s clearly the work of a pure genius.

They’re Calling You


One really must purchase Girl Scout cookies at every available opportunity. We did not make the rules. They just are what they are. This hilarious SpongeBob meme finds Squidward in bed thinking of his last five bucks and how it will inevitably fall into the hands of a Girl Scout in his near future. You can’t stop the unstoppable folks, so let go of that fiver.

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Signs of the Times


The last few years has proven to be a wild ride. We won’t go into specifics because we’d hate to make you think of anything except how good these SpongeBob memes are, but most of us feel a bit frayed at the edges and that is just how it goes now. If you’ve ever found yourself stress-cleaning as a way to escape from your own thoughts, this remarkable meme should feel pretty relatable to you. It sure did for us.

If you loved these SpongeBob memes, chances are you will enjoy some memes inspired by the animated film, Shrek. We’ve rounded up some truly hilarious memes inspired by the movie and if you’re looking for a laugh, just keep scrolling!

Discover the Best Shrek Memes to Make You Laugh Below:

The Crossover


Here’s the crossover you did not know you needed! We find a mix of Honey, I Shrunk the Kids and Shrek to give us Honey, I Shrek’d the Kids. Personally, we want to live in a world where this is real. This is one of the most popular Shrek memes today and it’s easy to see why. Those little Shrek babies are just so darn cute!

Bad With Names


Have you ever forgotten the name of the Donkey voiced by Eddie Murphy in the Shrek films? You’re not alone! If you too are having trouble conjuring up his name, keep scrolling. We’ve got another meme that’s all about that donkey’s name and why he was given it. It will blow your mind!

Why Do They Talk Like Him?


We don’t really know why Shrek speaks in a Scottish accent but we have just accepted it since childhood. Is Shrek Scottish? This Shrek meme imagines the character explaining that the Scots aren’t speaking in Shrek’s accent but instead, that Shrek is speaking in their accent. The more you know!

Could Be Worse


It’s hard out there for moms and we could forgive any mother that referred to her 6-year-old as a “talking donkey.” Donkeys are cute and can be raised to get along well with humans. What’s so bad about that? May we all someday aspire to be nothing more than a talking donkey. We’ve talked ourselves into it.

Spotted a Difference


Fashion is a funny thing to pin down. For some, being caught in the same outfit as someone else is completely embarrassing. For others, it’s a way of life to conform to what everyone else is doing. This person thinks gender is to blame. Or, you could read this Shrek meme as being about all boys wanting to look like Shrek. Either way, it’s golden.



This Shrek meme certainly takes a turn. It starts innocently enough with a father asking his child why they’re crushing up the chalk and putting said chalk in plastic bags. “I will sell it in plastic bags just like big brother does,” the kid replies. That certainly changes things! Reminder: try and be a *good* role model for siblings so they don’t mimic bad behaviors.

The Rules


Did you know there were Shrek Crocs in this world? It was news to us and we can see why someone would really cherish a pair of these babies. However, it’s hilarious to think about having a rule of not removing Crocs for bed? Is it part of the turn-on or does the owner of these shoes just never take them off? We may never know but it’s fun to think about.

Just Wrong


We’re going to leave this one with little comment because we think this Shrek meme really speaks for itself. We will say that the branding craziness around the Shrek franchise is a bit out of control. If you don’t believe us, keep scrolling and you’ll see more than Shrek milkshakes.



Do you think Lord Farquaad is hot? To each their own! But, this funny Shrek meme hilariously makes us question if this animated character could get it. It’s a weird place to be that we would not spend too much time meditating on. But, there are many Shrek memes about how sexy audiences find the characters from the movie. It’s kind of gotten out of hand.

You’ll Never Forget It


There is no denying the power that Shrek has over children. He’s somehow almost immediately lovable for them. This Shrek meme takes that fact and makes it fun. Now, we’re wondering about Adam Driver‘s opinions about our ogre friend.

‘It Wasn’t Me’


This Shrek meme is presented without comment and we think that’s best because it really does speak for itself. We assume this image exists because of a cosplayer who got mixed up with some nefarious characters. How else could you possibly explain it? We invite wrong answers only for what is going on here.

In It for the Music


If your taste in music did not mature with you, you might also agree that Shrek has a winning soundtrack. That’s not a judgment it’s just a statement of the facts. It is a joyful set of toe-tappers that get stuck in your head for days or weeks at a time. If that’s your sort of thing, we get it but for most parents who have watched these movies multiple times, it can feel like a curse.

A Blunt Assessment


You know, it’s hard to tell someone about your feelings towards them. We hope you give yourself a pat on the back if you ever muster the courage to do it yourself. But, this is a hilarious Shrek meme that parodies the feelings of insecurity surrounding an emotional admission of love. Go easy on yourselves, folks! It’s hard out there.

It’s the Thought That Counts


Yikes! We told you the Shrek branding was out of control. Someone found a frozen dinner with the promise to “turn your tongue green” like Shrek. That’s just ridiculous! But, we love that it’s been turned into a hilarious meme. Whenever you stumble across the absurd, chances are it will make for a great meme.

RELATED: Yes Memes to Send When Words Alone Just Won’t Do

The Gothic Phase


Where are the architecture and art history nerds at? This Shrek meme is for you! Beginning in the 12th century, gothic architecture began to take hold across Europe and would continue to be the prominent style of cathedrals for centuries. We love this meme because it pokes fun both at Shrek, but also mall goths, and styles of architecture. Bravo!

The Squad


The winner for the dumbest Shrek meme to actually make folks laugh has to go to this punny one. For lovers of wordplay, you could find no better example of just pure stupidity. We can agree that multiple Farquaads are better than one but we’re not sure we want an entire squad of them.

You’re Fine


Escapism is okay! If Shrek memes help you cut through the stress and anxiety of your life, by all means, giggle at some memes! But, it’s a funny one because the expression that’s captured in the above still is just so perfect as you can read just about any mixed emotions onto it. It’s like the Shrek version of that Chrissy Teigen cry face meme.



In this Shrek meme, we find characters from a variety of pop-cultural touchstones discussing their accomplishments with dragons. They’ve killed, trained, and raised dragons but what has our donkey friend managed to do? Well, at least he has an endlessly endearing smile.

You Did the Thing


Who has been there? This is such a relatable meme for anyone who has ever had to give a presentation in front of a group. For most, it’s not too much fun. We love the expression that Shrek has in it as we can recognize it from many bad school projects. The important thing is that you got it behind you, folks!

This One’s for the Short Kings


It can be a thankless place for the short men of this world. You’d think that the fairytale setting of Shrek would change the romantic outcomes for these people but it turns out, they’re overlooked there just as they are in the real world. This meme pokes fun at the constant short man erasure we see each and every day. If you’re under 5’6,” we see you.



We promised you more wild Shrek branding and we’re delivering with this listing from the Yellowpages of a restaurant called Shrek’s Pizza. Do you think there might be onion toppings on one of these pizzas? We don’t know where this Shrek eatery is but we hope the fans can find it. Is this your dream pizza spot or a place to avoid?



Oh, right! The donkey’s name from Shrek is just Donkey. So, if you were beating yourself up for not remembering, know that you had it right, there is no name for our cute pal. This meme helps you understand how this happened and why it is what it is. Thank goodness for the clarification.

Don’t Shrek It


We spot a glitch! “Check [yourself] before you Shrek [yourself],” this very strange meme advises. We don’t know what the verb form of Shrek is but if it stretches us out like that, we’re not playing that game. We’ll take this meme’s advice and take a moment to check things before proceeding.

Respect That Privacy


“Please don’t dial 911 these are screams of pleasure,” written on a cardboard sign in front of a tent would be a hilarious meme on its own but it’s made even more ridiculous with the caption, “When she brings Shrek: The 4-Movie Box DVD Set.” It takes a more wholesome turn thanks to it. If you’re a screamer while watching your favorite Shrek movie, this meme is for you.



We’re not sure if this is real but if it is, we’re very impressed. We find a 3D rendering of Shrek lit up in all manner of colors here. If this is your idea of the perfect nightlight, you better go find it because we imagine there’s nothing else like it. Keep keeping it weird, people.



We told you there are a lot of thirsty Shrek memes out there and this is one of the wildest. “Anatomy of a Shrek,” the heading informs us. We’re then treated to totally subjective descriptors of various parts of the character’s face. Would you agree with any of them? Is Shrek shrexy? We actually don’t want to know your answer.



We’ve already mentioned the earworms that exist in the Shrek soundtracks and this meme is another nod to them. “All-Star” is such a huge part of the Shrek that it’s hard to imagine forgetting that it was so pivotal in the film. Should someone forget about that aspect, you know the meme to send them!

Look Closely


“It is said that if you look into the sky, you will see what you desire the most,” the caption for this image says. We’re not sharing who we see because we don’t want to reveal our deepest, darkest desire to you, dear reader. We’ll leave you to look into the sky and learn for yourself the secret passions that you harbor.

The Tables Have Turned


Well, we’ve got a meta meme here that turns the tables around. We’ve seen a bunch of Shrek memes on this list, but what happens when the meme viewer becomes the viewed? Shrek is apparently not too happy about all of these memes at his expense. Cheer up, we still think your shrexy.

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The One


We leave you with a Shrek meme that feels like a love letter to the heroic figure. Just take a long, hard look at that face and try to tell us you’re not seeing perfection. He’s got it all! If you feel jaded about dating and meeting a good man, just turn to this image. There’s no one else that’s even close to being on this level.

There you go! We hope you got a kick out of these wildly funny and irreverent Shrek memes. Share them with your friends and Shrek-lovers! If you enjoyed these memes, keep the party going. We’ve got some excellent Sesame Street memes to share with you next. Trust us, they do not disappoint!

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