Mamas Uncut

How Should I Split Rent and Bills with a Friend Who Has Children?

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QUESTION: What’s the Best Way for My Friend and I to Split Rent and Bills When She Has Children and I Do Not?

“How should my friend and I split the bills? I have a question that I need advice on. I currently do not have kids; my friend has 2. Me and her, both single, are wanting to get an apartment together but can’t figure out how to make it fair with bills such as rent, utilities, food.

I obviously need one bedroom for myself; she, on the other hand, needs one room for herself, and 1 for her kiddos. Please comment advice for how it’d be a fair split between bills. Thanks in advance.”

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How Should I Split Rent and Bills with a Friend Who Has Children?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“Personally I could never count kids, especially young ones, when moving in with a friend. I’d say 50/50 cuz if that’s my friend those are my babies too but that’s just how I think of all my friends and their kiddos. She has it hard enough and I couldn’t make it harder on her.”

“I would do 50/50. The children should have no bearing on this. They are minors.”

“Definitely NOT 50/50 on the rent!!! 34/66. Don’t get pressured to pay 1/2 when you’re not using 1/2! You shouldn’t pay for her kids’ space, you’re basically going to be renting a room from her as she and her kids will be living in the whole house except your room… if the house has a master bath you should get that room and pay 40/60.”

“Rent should be 50 50. Buy your own food she can buy her own. Utilities i could see doing 60 40 her doing 60 but to say she has 3 and you 1 is not accurate depending on age. Little kids use a lot less Utilities than an adult or teen. They also do not eat like an adult/teen.”

“Help your single parent friend and split the bills in half.”

“I don’t think 50/50 is fair when it’s just her and the roommate would be considered 3 with the 2 kids. They will take up more space, use more water and electricity.I disagree that kids won’t add that much. My sister’s bills doubled when her friend and 2 kids moved in. I’d say closer to 60/40 and take care of your own food needs.”

“Who are you trying to make it fair for? Her or you? Because in reality, you can’t do both and there are too many variables to consider that we don’t have to give you a good answer. She has 2 extra mouths to feed, extra expenses that come with having children, she may or may not be getting child support…

… we don’t know what kinds of jobs/income either of you has, we don’t know if you’re willing to shoulder a bit more because she’s carrying so much more herself, or if you’d rather just stick with only paying strictly for what you use, we don’t know who will be home more often thus using more utilities, we don’t know if she’s receiving any kind of financial assistance from the government that takes a bit of the burden off of her, etc. Take all those things into consideration, then make a decision WITH HER that will be the most “fair and beneficial” to both of you.”

“I can’t believe so many saying 50/50. Requiring an extra bedroom is going to significantly increase the rent. She should absolutely be paying more.”

“You should get the master so you will have your own bathroom and privacy. Pay 1/3 of rent and do 50/50 on utilities. Buy your own food.”

“Everything should be in thirds. With the exception of maybe the food. She should buy her own food. Kids are expensive.”

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