Mamas Uncut

Actress Sophie Turner Calls Taylor Swift Her ‘Hero’ After She Saved Her and Her Young Daughters


Sophie Turner is opening up about life as a single mother, her relationship with now ex-husband Joe Jonas, and how Taylor Swift saved her and her children while she endured the lengthy and at times toxic divorce from the fellow pop star.

In an interview with British Vogue, Turner revealed that she temporarily lived in Swift’s New York City apartment while she and Jonas were in the throws of a divorce.

Turner went as far as to call Swift her “absolute hero” for the support Swift showed her.

“Taylor was an absolute hero to me this year,” Turner shared with British Vogue revealing that she first reached out to Swift in September 2023 asking her if she knew of anyone renting out their place in New York City.

That’s when Swift offered Turner and her children she shared with Joe Jonas her apartment for free. “I’ve never been more grateful to anyone than I am for her because she took my children and me, and provided us with a home and a safe space,” Turner revealed.

“She really has a heart of gold.”

As Turner continued, she admitted that her goal is to be able to build a solid and “functioning coparenting relationship” with her ex-husband, the father of her children.

“I’m unhappy with the way everything played out, especially when it comes to my children. They’re the victims in all of this. But I think we’re doing the best we can,” Turner said candidly.


“I’m confident that we can figure it out. Joe is a great father to our children and that’s all that I can ask for.”

Her dream is that she and Joe can blend their families together seamlessly even after they’ve moved on.

“My dream is to have a huge Christmas where my daughters can have their dad there, Joe’s whole side of the family, their grandparents,” the actress explained. “I don’t care about the politics, I just want the girls to feel loved and have everyone show up for them.”

A united front that seemed impossible according to the headlines that painted Turner as the absent mom after news of their divorce was made public.

Turner told British Vogue that the things being said about her were “shocking,” admitting she is “still in shock” over it.


“I mean, it’s unfathomable the amount of people that will just make [stuff] up and put it up based on a picture,” she explained. “A picture might tell a thousand words, but it’s not my story. It felt like I was watching a movie of my life that I hadn’t written, hadn’t produced, or starred in.”

In fact, she went as far as to say that she needed to remind herself she wasn’t the person she was reported as being. “It hurt because I really do completely torture myself over every move I make as a mother – mum guilt is so real!”

“I just kept having to say to myself, ‘None of this is true. You are a good mum and you’ve never been a partier.’”

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