Mamas Uncut

Sophia Grace Announces the Sex of Her Baby Just a Few Weeks After Revealing Pregnancy

via Sophia Grace's Youtube

On November 5, British internet sensation Sophia Grace shared new and exciting details about her pregnancy in her newest Youtube video, titled ‘MY GENDER REVEAL.’ This comes just two weeks after she announced her pregnancy to fans, shocking many people around the world – including herself. 

At the beginning of the video, she explains how the rest of her family already knows the gender but wanted to do a separate gender reveal for her followers because they ‘deserve to know.’ She added that she has known the sex of the incoming baby since very early on, but wanted to wait before sharing it. 

That brings us to her latest video, which included her cutting into a cake with a blue center, setting off a confetti popper with blue confetti, and popping a balloon with blue confetti inside – for those that don’t understand, IT’S A BOY! You can tell how excited Sophia Grace was as she smiled from cheek to cheek.

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Sophia Grace opened up about her family’s mixed reactions. “Some people were expecting it, and they said they already knew that it was going to be that, and some people were super, super shocked slash happy because in our family we do tend to have more of one gender, so it was a little bit different.”

As for Sophia, she had a feeling from the start that it was a boy and later confirmed that feeling after a blood test. “I just felt from the start that I was going to be a boy mom, and I was going to have a boy, so when I found out, I wasn’t shocked. Either way, I was going to be happy,” she said after the official reveal.

She also shared how excited her boyfriend was when she told him of the pregnancy – and later, the sex of the baby. She has kept her relationship out of the spotlight over the past few years, choosing to ‘enjoy myself and not have to share it with everyone,’ according to an exclusive interview with E! News in Oct. 

Nonetheless, she’s excited to start this new chapter with her significant other and thinks he’ll make a great father. “I feel like when we met each other, we were quite young. We’ve sort of grown up together really…It will definitely change us into proper adults and then we can grow up together and have a family.”

Sophia Grace is Excited to Start a New Chapter of Video

Sophia Grace Announces the Sex of Her Baby Just a Few Weeks After Revealing Pregnancy
via Sophia Grace’s Youtube

Not only is Sophia Grace beginning a new chapter in her life as she transitions into motherhood, but she’s excited to begin a new chapter of video as she focuses a majority of her content creation on her journey through pregnancy and being a mother. For the most part, her fans are extremely excited about the shift, too.

She also hopes to one day be more public about her relationship – though she doesn’t know when that might be and isn’t going to force or rush it. “I would be completely happy to share him and I would be completely happy for him to be in my videos,” adding she wants to wait until he’s comfortable to do them. 

And while her content will be changing, for the most part, she isn’t totally closing the door on music. “But I would never say I’m completely stopping music even now that I’m going to be a mum because I really do like music and it is one of my biggest passions,” she continued to explain in her E! News interview in Oct.

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Sophia Grace has received quite a bit of criticism from those outside her fanbase, many of whom believe she’s too young to mother a child at 23 years old. She has already fired back at those critics, adding, ‘as long as you feel ready and it’s something that you’re happy about, then it’s really no one else’s problem.’

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