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My Son Has Broken His Arm 3 Times in Less Than a Year: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 6-year-old son. She says her son recently fell and broke his arm for the third time in a year. She says she has taken him to the pediatrician, and they said her son is healthy. But she is concerned, given the frequency of broken bones she has had to deal with. She wants to know if any other moms have experienced something similar and whether anyone has advice or suggestions about what might be wrong or next steps.

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A member of the community asks:

“My son has broken his arm 3 times in a year: Thoughts?

I have a 6-year-old, and this is the 3rd time within a year he fell and broke his arm. The first was his elbow, and the second was his other forearm, and he fell again, and the same area broke. Last time he saw his pediatrician, they said he is healthy. But now we are concerned. I must add he’s VERY active and hyper. Has anyone gone through this with their child?”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Whose Son Has Broken His Arm 3 Times in a Year

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

My Son Has Broken His Arm 3 Times in Less Than a Year: Advice?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“Get a bone density test done. That will help see if there is an underlying issue.”

“I think it depends on HOW he is breaking his bones. Some kids are rough and tumble – if he broke it doing things that would break anyone’s bone… it’s probably okay. I was diagnosed with brittle bones disease (osteogenesis imperfecta as someone else mentioned earlier) when I was 11 after breaking my arms for the third time in about a year. Twice because I tripped and the last time doing a cartwheel. Also broke my nose twice in the same time frame. Ask the doctor if he should be tested. I was referred to an orthopedic surgeon and they are the ones who diagnosed me.”

“My son had two broken arms in kindergarten – one in December, one in May. When the second one happened, I questioned his doctor about poor bone density or something. The orthopedist said these sorts of injuries are very common in kids this age.”

“Ask your pediatrician to check for osteogenesis imperfecta. Ok, it looks intimating. But what it actually is a hereditary bone disease. All it is is that the bones are maybe a little more brittle. (I have it, my mom had it) it is actually more common then a lot of people know. I have had MANY broken bones. The mother or father may not have it but could be ‘carriers.’ If it is found there’s nothing that can be done yet. But if it’s on the child’s Medical records it shows there’s no abuse and that helps get the parents better help.”

“I had the same problem when I was young and it was just poor bone density. I would check with the doctor about it.”

“My 9-year-old has only broken one bone (his wrist) 2 years ago but has had to have stitches and glue too many times to count! My 4-year-old falls and runs into stuff ALL the time! Nothing broken. but tons of bruises, scrapes, and bumps. Having my 3rd and final boy tomorrow, and I don’t think my heart can take it lol.”

“Re-breaks are pretty common. Try not to stress. I would be asking questions too so don’t feel like you’re crazy but it’s probably all ok and normal. It’s never wrong to get second opinions and wonder. Growing up with 3 brothers I was incredibly active and dare devilish with them. I only ever broke hands, fingers, and sprained ankles, knees. However, 2 of my brother were in casts more often than not I feel like lol. Sometimes it’s just the luck of the draw, accident-prone, etc.”

“Yes, my daughter, and they did a DEXA scan and blood work and she was diagnosed with low calcium and vitamin D.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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