Mamas Uncut

Expert Advice for a Mom Whose 2-Year-Old Son Recently Developed a Skin Allergy

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 2-year-old son, who was recently diagnosed with a skin allergy. She says the doctor told her that this allergy would eventually cause her son to wheeze, and she is feeling very down about this. So she turned to the community for advice from other moms who’ve been through the same thing.

Allergy-Freedom, Inc. founder Laura Dillon weighs in below with some expert advice.

Expert Advice for a Mom Whose 2-Year-Old Son Recently Developed a Skin Allergy

Mamas Uncut fan asks:

“Hi, my son, who is 2-years-old developed a skin allergy. Took him to the doc and he said that this is going to eventually turn into him having wheezing… For mums who have kids with wheezing:

1. Is this how wheezing started?

2. How old was your kid?

3. Anything I can do to prevent this?

Feeling pretty down.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

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Advice from Laura Dillon

Two of my three daughters developed severe eczema at six months old and then we subsequently found out that they had anaphylactic food allergies to milk, egg, peanuts and tree nuts.  While eczema, allergies, and asthma can often occur together, it is not always the case. My youngest daughter, who is now 10, has never had issues with wheezing, breathing or any type of asthma. My oldest daughter has just recently developed asthma within the past year. She is 15 now. However, she never had any issues prior to the past year. 

In regards to your son’s skin condition: 

Is your son drinking enough water? That is an important way that the body naturally clears toxins.  Since skin is the human body’s largest organ, the skin is an important way for the body to eliminate the toxins. You are supposed to drink half of your body weight in liquid ounces. If your son weighs 30 lbs, he should be drinking 15 oz of water daily.  

Have you noticed that your son’s skin allergy flares at different times of the year?  For example, some people’s eczema flares in the winter months because of a dust sensitivity/allergy which can be triggered by the dust in the heating vents. If dust mites are an issue, put all of his bedding and pillows in the dryer for 20 minutes to kill any dust mites.  I would do this on a regular basis, at least weekly.  Or if you live in a place that snows during the winter, you can leave them outside in a plastic bag for 24 hours as long as it is below freezing (32 degrees Fahrenheit).

Does your son have seasonal allergies? For my daughters, their eczema flares in the springtime because they have seasonal allergies to birch trees and grasses. Their eczema typically flares starting in February and usually goes through May. 

What type of detergent and cleaning products do you use? A lot of mainstream household items contain a lot of chemicals and can contribute to skin conditions and asthma. Fragrance plug-ins, scented candles, etc. can all exacerbate these conditions. Use more natural or plant-based products when possible.  Detergents such as “All Free and Clear” without scents and dyes can help with skin conditions.

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