Am I Overreacting About Social Distancing When It Comes to My Family?

A mom writes in asking for advice about social distancing. She says that her partner, who is otherwise great, isn’t taking social distancing guidelines as seriously as she is. He doesn’t wash his hands after he comes home. He wants to be out doing things, and he even wants his family to visit the house. Is this mom overreacting?

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A member of the community asks:

“Do you think I am overreacting when it comes to social distancing and Coronavirus precautions? Ok, so I am 41-weeks pregnant, and I have a two-year-old at home. My partner is thankfully at home with us; we are blessed that he has a job that has him staying home for the quarantine.

However, he is not taking it seriously; when he goes out he does not wash his hands when he gets back; he doesn’t use any sort of sanitizer and will touch/feed our toddler. He wants to go to the shooting range and be out doing things. And he calls me crazy for being worried that he is allowing his family to visit our toddler and us when they have not been practicing social distancing either. And they kiss/ hug/touch, my toddler, without washing hands. I feel really bad if I am overreacting. I love his family. I just want to protect ours because I and our son are higher risks right now.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Is Concerned About Her Partner Not Following Social Distancing Guidelines

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Fan QuestionDo you think I am over reacting about social distancing? Do you think I am overreacting when it comes to…

Posted by Mamas Uncut on Monday, April 6, 2020

Advice Summary

Am I Overreacting About Social Distancing When It Comes to My Family?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“You are absolutely not overreacting, he is being incredibly selfish and foolish!”

“Tell him to go stay with them and drop groceries on the doorstep once a week.”

“He should be washing his hands even when we’re not in the middle of a Pandemic.”

“I don’t think you’re overreacting. Anytime you go out to the store you should come home and wash your hands. Anytime you prepare food, especially for a child, you should wash your hands beforehand. The flu is more deadly, and is also super contagious, even with a vaccine. RSV is also a deadly virus for children. Do NOT allow people around your newborn baby. Lock the doors, scream at your husband till your blue that you will not let anyone around your baby, and do NOT let your newborn baby out of your arms if anyone comes around. They cannot pry your baby out of your arms, and if they try, they aren’t allowed to your house until your baby gets shots/you feel comfortable. You’re allowed to overreact when it comes to your children (you’re not btw).”

“Find some videos to show him of sad healthcare workers, people who are suffering through symptoms, those who have had loved ones die for lack of timely testing or ventilators. Frankly I’d change the locks and make him live in the garage until he gets it.”

“Why THE HELL is this even a question? I’m sorry but this is stupid. You’re the mom it is your duty to protect yourself and your toddler (obviously your husband too but he’s too ignorant) do what you know is best and do not let his family near you and your kid? Get some control over your life. And I mean about the husband I don’t know he’s obviously just stupid. Keep away.”

“So glad that someone else asked this. I’m actually having this issue with my ex-husband. I have FULL custody of our kids and am getting into arguments with him daily about me not wanting to send the kids with him when he’s off of work. I’m so so nervous about this all because he thinks it’s all a hoax and is not taking anything seriously. He’s been traveling back and forth to multiple states and continuing to just be around large groups of people. He even wanted to take our kids on a large camping trip with a bunch of different friends. Am I in the wrong for saying no to him taking our kids right now?”

“Tell him if he won’t do it for himself, then do it for his family. Would he take you out in a boat with no life preservers? Would he take you in a car with no car seat or seatbelts? Would he put himself between you and danger? Then he needs to reconsider for his family!”

For further information about social distancing, please read the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendations for staying safe during the pandemic.

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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