Mamas Uncut

My Ultrasound Was Canceled, So I Used a SneakPeek At-Home DNA Test to Find Out the Sex of My Baby: Can I Trust the Results?

A mom writes in asking for advice from other moms who may have used the SneakPeek Early Gender DNA Test. Her ultrasound was canceled, so she used the test to find out of she is having a boy or girl, and she wants to know if she can trust the results.

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A member of the community asks:

“Has anyone done the SneakPeek DNA test? I am 15 weeks pregnant, and due to the Coronavirus, they canceled my ultrasound, so I ordered the SneakPeek at-home DNA test. I got the results, and they state I am having a girl. I have three boys at home, so I am just wondering has anyone else used this test, and if so, were their results accurate? I can’t get an ultrasound until next month.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Took a SneakPeek At-Home DNA Test and Wants to Know if She Can Trust the Results

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

My Ultrasound Was Canceled, So I Used a SneakPeek At-Home DNA Test to Find Out the Sex of My Baby: Can I Trust the Results?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“Mine was correct did it at 10 weeks.”

“Yes, mine was correct. The girl result is more accurate because, with a male result, male DNA in the home can cross-contaminate and cause a false male result.”

“Yes for a girl it is accurate. The only reason why there is doubt with this test is for moms that have boys in the house, and you get a boy result, then there’s a possibility for cross-contamination of male DNA). But in your case it was a girl. So believe it.”

“Did it twice and it was correct both time. One girl and one boy. If you have a house full of boys and you got a girl result, it’s correct. Most wrong results are when it says it’s a boy and it’s really a girl. The samples can easily be contaminated by male DNA. Since the result is telling you a girl, it means it found no male DNA at all in that sample so you are golden! Congratulations!”

“I did it. Girl for us. My understanding was if results came back girl then 100% accurate as you have no male DNA in your blood. If boy, there would be a chance of male DNA from home being mixed in. Congrats!”

“I’ve heard for girls it’s accurate. But for some reason, you can get a false male result. Congratulations I’m pregnant with our 3rd boy. Hope next time we get a girl.”

“Mine was right all 3 times I took it. Girl, girl, boy.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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