Mamas Uncut

What Is the Right Age to Let Kids Start Having Sleepovers?

A mom writes in asking for advice about sleepovers and age-appropriateness. She wants to know what a good age to start letting her kids have sleepovers might be. Specifically, she is curious about letting her kids go stay with in-laws or other extended family for an overnight.

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A member of the community asks:

“What age did you let your kids have sleepovers?

At what age did you let your child spend a whole night away from you? Like at your in-laws’, your parents’ or your sibling’s house? Not like at their dad’s house or mom’s house or whatever the situation may be.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Wants to Know What the Right Age Is for Allowing Her Kids to Attend Sleepovers

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

What Is the Right Age to Let Kids Start Having Sleepovers?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“I trust my family enough to let them sleepover at any age. Most of my siblings have children and I was lucky enough to have great parents.”

“When they were old enough to ask. I never wanted or needed to send my infants away for the night.”

“Granny’s at a year. They’ve never stayed at my siblings (but they all live in different states). I still don’t leave my oldest unattended with his bio dad and he’s 7.”

“I would say about 5 and the only sleepover he has had we are good friends with parents and other times with grandparents and aunt and uncle.”

“My daughter has been spending the night at family’s houses since about 4 months old. Yall are too clingy.”

“Oldest 5 months. My youngest (twins) once at age 3. That’s been it, but wouldn’t have cared after breastfeeding was done.”

“6 months old. Grandparents’ house so we could get a date night once in a great while. Otherwise at auntie’s once or twice. But y’all on here saying never or age 5 smh, seriously? Kids should be able to get out and spend time with family. Did you all seriously never have sleepover parties as a kid? That was the highlight of my childhood, but I’m a 90’s kid so maybe we’re just different.”

“My mom never let me sleep over nobody’s house unless it’s family. Will do the same for my daughter.”

“My kid is 5 and she spends the night all the time with her cousin. And has stayed with a family friend because she is friends with their daughter. I just told her that she can come home whenever. Even at 4 am. If the child and you are comfortable with it, then it’s ok.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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