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WATCH: Six-Year-Old Brings Home Dead Squirrel as New Family Pet, Chaos Ensues

Girl Brings Home Dead Squirrel As Pet in Viral Video

Kids bring home all sorts of interesting things: rock collections, a lost (and often broken) toy they find on the playground, and, every once in a while, something cute and cuddly as a new pet. Except sometimes those cute and cuddly things aren’t exactly a welcome addition to the family. That was the case in one household when their daughter, Claire, 6, brought home a dead squirrel (!!!) and introduced the rodent as their new family pet.

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The viral video, posted on Twitter, shows the young girl casually carrying the squirrel and walking through her house in a bathing suit. Her shocked family screams, “Put that down!” and “Claire, put the dead squirrel down!” while the girl looks back at them confused.

Fans on social media had mixed feelings about the dramatic scenario. “I have so much respect for Claire for doubling down on her normalcy while looking at everyone else like they were overreacting,” said @N_I_K_Y_A_T_U.

“Whoa, mixed emotions. Hilarious. Terrifying. Kinda proud?! Claire is FEARLESS. I just don’t want babygirl to get rabies,” said @guidetogio. “But did Claire kill the squirrel before she brought it into the house?” asked @Yesha. 

The video has been viewed more than 10.6 million times and, while hilarious, I think we can all agree we’re glad we’re not Claire’s family in this situation.

What do you think of this six-year-old’s dead squirrel pet? Did you ever bring dead things into your parents’ home? Sound off in the comments!

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