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Would You Choose Your Pets Over Not Being Homeless?

Sister: Would You Choose Your Pets Over Not Being Homeless?


A woman writes in asking for advice on how to get through to her sister and her sister’s boyfriend after they made the decision to live in their van rather than get rid of their two dogs. According to the

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A member of the community asks:

“My sister, who recently found out she is pregnant but may be miscarrying—she won’t know for sure until the 2nd, will be homeless on the 3rd. My older sister said she would go half on the house with her and her boyfriend but only if they got rid of their two pitbull, boxer mixes. [The] dogs are not house trained and are very wild.

They refuse to let them go. They are going to live in their van with their dogs, and it’s practically winter. Her boyfriend is an idiot. He paid 2,000 for the boxer, didn’t get any paperwork about the dog. [He] has had three different good-paying jobs and has managed to lose them all. [He] doesn’t talk about how much he gets paid, which is definitely $13 [an hour] + bills—water, lights, phones, food haven’t been paid or bought or are always late.

It’s his way or the highway and won’t listen to any advice from anyone because he thinks he is being judged. I told my sister to leave him she doesn’t want to because she will be alone and she doesn’t know what’s going on with the baby situation. She thinks she loves him, she is 19.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Sister Who Is Worried About Her Sibling’s Wellbeing

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

Here is what some commenters had to say to this worried sister. One person wrote, “If it was just me, then I’d try to keep my pets but if my child is at risk? I’d rehome the pets. Sad she’s in this mess. [I] hope the baby is ok and she leaves him.”

Another person added, “I was homeless when I was 19. I had two dogs with me, without them I wouldn’t have made it. I had some bad stuff happen to me, became very depressed, and would have committed suicide without them. On the subject of your sister and her boyfriend, it’s been my experience, the more you try to push people apart, the more they fight to be together. Just let her know you are there for her. You can still not like him but be cordial so you don’t lose your sister.”

And one commenter said, “Unfortunately, in this situation, you have to kinda just sit back and let them learn from their own mistakes. Me personally, I’d never get rid of my dog but I would find a close friend or family member to take them in so I could still see it. As for the boyfriend, everyone has their own battles and he could be mentally ill and needs to take a step for himself to get evaluated. [You] should never judge a book by its cover because his heart can be the biggest loveable thing if you open it and read him a little bit.

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