Mamas Uncut

My Sister Announced Her Pregnancy on the Night She Knew My Boyfriend Was Proposing to Me: Needed to Vent, But Welcome Advice!

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QUESTION: My Sister Announced Her Pregnancy on Thanksgiving When My Boyfriend Had Planned on Proposing

“Who else has Thanksgiving drama? I can’t be the only one. Let’s see if you can top this…

My boyfriend was going to propose to me in front of my family at Thanksgiving. He told his friend, who is my sister’s boyfriend. Well, apparently, my sister got news of this, and she decided to take the spotlight and tell everyone she was pregnant… even though the original plan was to tell them at Christmas.

We even got cute ornaments made for her. She has a history of trying to take the spotlight from me, and it’s so annoying. My boyfriend ended up proposing to me later that night and told me about my sister and her boyfriend told her. I kinda just needed to vent. Thanks for listening.”

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My Sister Announced Her Pregnancy on the Night She Knew My Boyfriend Was Proposing to Me: Needed to Vent, But Welcome Advice!

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“Welp, you’re winning in life. She probably needs to make herself feel special because she knows everyone likes you better. (And she knows you’re a better person.) I’m sure other family members notice as well. Hang in there. Also, the day she gives birth, go to the courthouse and get married.”

“I see what your sister was doing but ah well. She’s pregnant, yay. You’re engaged yay. Vent away but let that ish go because being the bigger person might be tough but it’s definitely more rewarding because you won’t care about juvenile things like that.”

“You can either listen to what I’m gonna say or not. Live and enjoy the biggest moments in private. No need for an audience to propose. No need for an audience to announce a pregnancy, no need for an audience to reveal the gender of your baby. It’s nice to share the big news with the people we love, whether they are family or friends, but if are the kind of person that loves attention, you won’t get to enjoy those private moments with your future husband. This way you decide what kind of energy you want around your news.”

“The day she gives birth, have your wedding. Seriously, people who steal the spotlight are the worst. It’s selfish, competitive, and rude. It’s like proposing to your girlfriend at someone else’s wedding. You just DON’T!”

“Clearly a lot of people have not had to deal with a person like this! My advice, babes, is keep your moves silent with a person like your sister. You can’t win; let her be petty because she will never learn. Distance yourself and keep peace. Everything done in a spiteful manner eventually comes back… karma.”

“I don’t understand why both things couldn’t happen… since when did we get so petty that only one exciting announcement can happen per family gathering?”

“I believe you have a right to be upset. This person seems to repeatedly try to knock you back or one-up you all the time.. I have a family member like that. It doesn’t matter what it is, she will try to outdo me. It gets old and a person does get bitter. It isn’t being petty or childish. It’s getting fed up with the bs and games. I no longer tell that side of the family my intentions or let them know my plans. It was so bad that I couldn’t even mention what I got my kids for Christmas because that person would make a bee-line to the store and buy something bigger and more expensive.”

“Maybe I’m just not like most of yall but this doesn’t bother me. I bet your parents were thrilled for both of you. Why does it have to be about one or the other? You got engaged and you’re concentrated on this silliness?”

“You have a right to be upset! It was your special moment that you wanted to share with your family! I totally understand being the person who gets the shadow. I’m sorry that happened to you! But you got the ring and she got pregnant (not really a commitment) but congratulations on your engagement!”

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