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Mom is Angry at Sister-in-Law for Having Kids’ Names Tattooed Without Permission

Sister in Law Gets Tattoo of Kids' Names


Tattoos mean different things to different people. For many, getting a loved one’s name tattooed is a sign of deep affection. One mom, however, is upset that her sister-in-law got her children’s names tattooed on her without her permission.

She argues that her sister-in-law doesn’t even spend much time with the kids and that she only discovered the tattoo after her SIL posted a photo online. How would this make you feel? Is it a sweet gesture or a massive overstep?

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The mom found the tattoos “disturbing” and wished she’d been asked for permission.


In a Reddit post, the mom explained that her SIL is not a close aunt to her children. She and her husband were never asked if the tattoo would be okay and only found out about it after her SIL posted a photo on social media.

“She is not a close beloved aunt of my children — they see her once a year and talk to her briefly on holidays,” the angry mom posted. “They never talk about her or ask about her between those times. They like her well enough, but she likes to lecture them and attempt to parent them, so a little of her goes a long way.”


Mom said it’s just attention-seeking behavior, but “I have nothing nice to say.”

“Instead of the cost of a tattoo (this tattoo is huge by the way), how about a plane ticket to visit the children you claim to love so much?” the post reads. “She talks about my children taking care of her when she’s in a nursing home… why would they? They will be busy with their own families, and taking care of their parents!”

The mom is so angry, in fact, she is considering cancelling the family vacation to visit with her husband’s family. “I have been taking my anger out on him, which is probably unfair but I feel his lack of communication with them leads to this kind of crazy,” she explained. “Am I supposed to feel flattered? I feel like if anyone is going to tattoo my kids’ names on their body is should be me or my husband!”


Some people on Reddit saw where the mom was coming from.


“The tattooing is weird,” someone commented. “Going limited or no contact with the offender makes sense to establish boundaries.”

“That’s some strange social media attention whoring,” another agreed with the mom.

“I have to wonder if the tattoo is real,” another theorized. “She seems like the kind of person to fake a tattoo for attention on social media.”

It’s so weird and definitely for attention, right?

Some think the mom has taken it too far.


“Stopping them from seeing their grandparents? What did they even do?” someone asked, “That seems like a severe overreaction; it’s a tattoo of a name. It doesn’t even affect her.”

Some people agreed that it was weird, but maybe the mom should consider other people’s opinions.

“She hasn’t once asked how anyone but her seems to feel about it. There’s nothing wrong at all with her feeling weirded out by it, because it is weird, but I don’t understand why she’s getting so angry at it.”


No matter how people on Reddit felt, the poster felt better getting it off her chest.

“I feel like I released steam and got validation from people who recognized the narcissistic nature of the tattoo and I’ve also calmed down,” she posted. “Most of the people calling me out are assuming things that aren’t true and that’s ok.”

Ultimately, it’s not really about the sister-in-law’s new tattoo, it’s really that the mom wants her kids to have a better relationship with their aunt. Weird gestures aren’t going to build a relationship. Time spent together and providing support will do the trick!

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