Mamas Uncut

Single Mom Fosters Abandoned Newborn and Soon Realizes She’s The Biological Sister Of Her Adopted Son

This is Katie Price of Parker, Colorado, and these are her beautiful children. But just a few years ago, Katie was newly divorced, completely on her own and searching to find her purpose. Which she discovered was in becoming a foster mom.

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After her divorce, Katie Price rebooted her life. First, she moved into a new home in Colorado, then she changed careers, and most importantly she chose to foster a child.

Single Mom Fosters Abandoned Newborn and Soon Realizes She’s The Biological Sister Of Her Adopted Son | This is Katie Price of Parker, Colorado, and these are her beautiful children. But just a few years ago, Katie was newly divorced, completely on her own and searching to find her purpose. Which she discovered was in becoming a foster mom.
Katie Page

She’d always wanted a child but struggled with fertility so became interested in adopting.  One day, she received an email from her pastor suggesing she consider fostering a child especially given her past fertility issues.

Katie was intrigued, but took things slowly. She started by attending meetings about the foster care system and learning as much as she could about the process.

It was through one of the foster care meetings that Katie realized she indeed felt the calling to foster.  After successfully fostering four children at various times, Katie was ready to adopt and raise a child of her own.


Her opportunity arrived in 2016, when a caseworker told Katie about a 4-day-old nameless boy dropped off at the local hospital.  She decided to take on the challenge of single parenting

Katie Page

For the next year, Katie fostered the boy she named Grayson while social workers continued trying to tracking down his biological parents.

But no one ever claimed him. She admittedly felt some relief, because by this point she had fallen madly in love with Grayson.

Erika Zane Photography

Since Katie wanted to adopt Grayson the court decided to terminate his birth parents’ rights.  This paved the way for Katie to legally adopt him on his 11-month birthday.

Erika Zane Photography

Katie had fallen in love with her son and being a mom. She planned to have another baby in a couple of years.  However, right after completing Grayson’s adoption social services called her again.   

Another caseworker had a dire situation.  A newborn baby girl was dropped off at the same hospital and needed a home ASAP.  Katie felt terrified and overwhelmed, yet her gut told her to open her heart to the possibility of taking in this beautiful girl.

“I know over the next 10 minutes and subsequent phone calls I made that afternoon, the phrase ‘I know I am crazy, but God is telling me to say ‘YES’ kept coming out of my mouth.”

Hours later her new daughter, Hannah, had a new home with her and Grayson.

But when Katie took a closer look at Hannah’s tiny hospital bracelet, she made a truly stunning realization.

Then Katie noticed the the birth mother’s name on Hannah’s baby bracelet; it was the same name Grayson’s birth mother had given to the hospital.

While looking over Hannah’s discharge papers, she realized the birth mom also shared the same birth date as Grayson’s birth mom.

There was no way this could be just a coincidence!

Though Grayson and Hannah don’t look anything alike, Katie suspected that her two newly adopted children were somehow related.

“Grayson is half African American with beautiful darker skin and dark curly hair,” Katie wrote on her blog. “Baby Girl has a pale white skin tone with straight red-blonde hair.”

Katie determined to learn if her children were related, she decided to track down Hannah’s birth mother. As soon as she saw Hannah’s biological mom, Katie instantly knew she was looking at her son’s birth mom, too.

Lo and behold, the woman told Katie she delivered a boy before delivering Hannah.

A DNA test confirmed that Grayson and Hannah are biological half-siblings.

“What if Baby Girl had gone to another family?” Katie asked in her blog post. “We would have never found her or Grayson’s mother. The connection would have never been made!

I could not believe the miracle that had just happened.”

Katie officially adopted Hannah in December 2018.

“That day I said ‘Yes’ to taking the Baby Girl I felt the strangest feeling ever. I don’t think I had truly until that moment felt a undeniable calling from God (or whatever higher spirit you personally might believe in).

My brain was telling me to say ‘no’ because it made no sense and was not in my plans, but something inside kept saying you have to say ‘YES’. It is a sheer miracle, once in a lifetime chance… call it what you will, but it is amazing that my children found each other.”

Katie is now hoping to adopt another baby — Grayson and Hannah’s five-month-old sibling, Jackson.

 “I am constantly taking leaps of faith and building my wings on the way down,” Katie says. I am sharing my passions and loves along this crazy journey that God has blessed me with.”

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