Mamas Uncut

Sinead O’Connor Hospitalized a Week After Teen Son’s Death


Days after Sinead O’Connor revealed that her 17-year-old son died by suicide, Sinead was also hospitalized after she sent out tweets that concerned fans. Shortly after the tweets were made public, her account was shut down.

In the tweet that most concerned fans, Sinead wrote, “I’ve decided to follow my son. There is no point living without him. Everything I touch, I ruin. I only stayed for him. And now he’s gone.”

Sinead O’Connor Hospitalized a Week After Teen Son’s Death

Sinead O'Connor Hospitalized a Week After Teen Son's Death | Days after Sinead O’Connor revealed that her 17-year-old son died by suicide, Sinead was also hospitalized after she sent out tweets that concerned fans.
s_bukley /

RELATED: Singer Sinèad O’Connor Reveals Her Teen Son Has Been Found Dead Two Days After Going Missing From a Local Ireland Hospital

O’Connor has been open about her mental health struggles for many years. Her son was also getting treatment for his mental health at a local Ireland hospital when he was found deceased.

As CNN reports, about an hour later, Sinead reassured her fans that she was getting help. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I am with cops now on way to hospital. I’m sorry I upset everyone,” she wrote. “I am lost without my kid and I hate myself. Hospital will help a while. But I’m going to find Shane. This is just a delay.”

Dariusz Majgier /

As Mamas Uncut previously reported, Nevi’im Nesta Ali Shane O’Connor was under suicide watch when he went missing from the hospital. Two days later, Shane was located but it was too late.

In a tweet shared on January 8, Sinèad wrote, “My beautiful son, Nevi’im Nesta Ali Shane O’Connor, the very light of my life, decided to end his earthly struggle today and is now with God. May he rest in peace and may no one follow his example. My baby. I love you so much. Please be at peace.”

While Shane was missing, Sinead used Twitter to plea with her son. “Shane, your life is precious. God didn’t chisel that beautiful smile on your beautiful face for nothing.  My world would collapse without you. You are my heart. Please don’t stop it from beating. Please don’t harm yourself. Go to the Gardai and let’s get you to hospital,” she also wrote.

Bart Sherkow /

“This is a message for my son, Shane. Shane, it’s not funny anymore all this going missing,” the mom added. “You are scaring the crap out of me. Could you please do the right thing and present yourself at a Gardai station. If you are with Shane please call the Gardai for his safety.”

Sinead, who is a mom of four, also voiced her disgust for the hospital where her son was receiving care. It’s unclear how long her son was a patient at Taillight hospital. 

Our thoughts and prayers are with Sinèad and her family during this particularly tragic time. According to CNN, she has not issued any further statements since her Twitter was shut down.

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