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INTERVIEW: Father-of-Three Clint Edwards Wrote the One Book All Parents Should Read This Year Called ‘Silence Is a Scary Sound’

If You Buy One Book This Year, Let It Be 'Silence Is a Scary Sound' By Clint Edwards

Clint Edwards/Facebook

Silence Is a Scary Sound is a brutally honest book written by Clint Edwards, a father of three. It’s a book that will let you know, as a parent, you’re not alone in what you are going through and what you are dealing with on a daily, hourly, minute-to-minute basis. It’s relatable, it’s funny, and Edwards is not afraid to be honest, I mean, really honest.

He writes at one point, “…And I started to wonder if the experts who write books about boundaries with toddlers have ever actually lived with a toddler…” Throughout this book, people get a first-hand look at many of Clint’s parenting fails, but in the end, all you are left with is a loving father, who absolutely adores his children, and is determined to be the best father he can be to his three little ones.

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Because at the end of every day, despite our failures and our mistakes, isn’t being our best for ourselves and for the ones who rely on us really all that matters?

You can buy Edwards’ book, here.

A Q&A With Edwards Himself

While hanging out with his 5-year-old, we asked Edwards a few questions about his life and his book Silence Is a Scary Sound. Read what he had to say below:

Q: What do you want parents to get out of this book?

Edwards: “This book really isn’t a self-help or full of parenting tips. It’s more of group therapy. The premise of the book is that if you have a toddler, you are failing. That’s just the facts. They are the great equalizers. Regardless of your race, religion, social status, income, education, if you have a toddler you are elbow deep in poop. I don’t care how well you dress to shop at Target, if you have a toddler, you’ve had to pull the car seat onto the lawn and hit it with the garden hose. So don’t feel bad about it. Life with a toddler is supposed to be like this, so try and laugh.”

Q: After reading this, I also thought it was a great book to get prepared for parenthood. Was that something you were thinking about when writing this as well?

Edwards: “I think this book as a number of audiences, and readers who want to be parents is definitely one of them. But I must say, this book is funny, but it’s also pretty real. My editor doesn’t have children and she said it really gave her pause. I don’t know if this is selling the book or not…”

Q: I think my favorite part of the book was one of the first chapters that talked about doing shameful things in order to save your furniture and valuables from destructive and sick children. When do you think you’ll decide to redo the carpets now that you no longer have toddlers running around? And was it really only 3 sofas (lol)?

Edwards: “Mel and I actually talk about this all the time and we’ve decided to get hardwood floors. As for furniture, I plan to light all of it on fire in the backyard the day after my youngest moves out and finally buy something nice.”

Q: In many parts of the book, you talk about the feeling of being judged when indirectly comparing your parenting to others. Have you ever discovered a way to prevent yourself from comparing yourself to others? Or does that just come with the territory of parenthood?

Edwards: “I think that is just life. But I will also say that parenting is often judged harshly. And it is easy to feel judged. I honestly don’t know how to stop this, but I know I still feel it every day.”

Q: Has there been a part of your book that people, parents, resonate with the most?

Edwards: “The essay that comes up the most in reviews is where my daughter locked herself in her room and I couldn’t get her out. I eventually had to call the fire department. It was horribly embarrassing and I almost didn’t include it, but now I’m glad I did. It seems most parents can relate to feeling helpless and in that moment, I’d never felt so horribly helpless.”

Q: You mention multiples times how you’ve been played by your toddlers, and crying is often your weakness. I feel that’s how it is for most loving parents, most loving people, in general. But now that your children are older, do you still find yourself a softy for the puppy-dog look?

Edwards: “Every. Single. Day.”

Q: You said one day your kids will repay you for all they have destroyed and taken from you, will presents also be a form of repayment? And if so, what do you plan on asking for when that time comes?

Edwards: “I have a feeling I will settle for a visit from the grandkids. And phone calls. And once I get old, they can wipe my butt for a change. I believe this answer is in direct contradiction to what I said in my book.”

Q: You know every parent, at least once in their life, has done something that’s left them feeling like they are underqualified to be a parent. Was having to call the police to help your daughter out of the room she locked herself in your big moment? Or was there something else?

Edwards: “That was a huge one, yes. But I have honestly felt underqualified every day as a parent. I still do. It’s one of the reasons I titled my blog “No idea what I’m doing.” But that’s the really tricky part about parenting. The moment you think you’ve figured out your kids, they change. Then you have to figure out a new problem. I don’t know if I’ll ever get it 100% right. But I’m trying, and that seems to count for a lot.”

Q: As a blogger and an author, what are some of the most common questions you get from some of your readers and have any of those made it into either of your books?

Edwards: “Most of the questions I get are about marriage, honestly. It seems like people are trying to figure out how to make the partnership work. And I will say, I wouldn’t be half the father I am without my wife. Coming at this whole parenting gig as a team is the best advice I can give parents.”

Q: Have you found a good way to deal with those who like to give unsolicited parenting advice?

Edwards: “Nope.”

Q: And lastly, you were recently featured on The Kelly Clarkson Show, talk to us about that. What was that experience like?

Edwards: “She interviewed me about a viral essay I wrote about taking my youngest’s kindergarten class to a pumpkin patch. It was very exciting but also very scary. People keep asking me if Kelly Clarkson was nice, and I tell them that.

You can purchase Clint’s book via the link below:

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