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My Sister-in-Law Plans on Only Feeding Her 1-Year-Old Soy or Almond Milk: Advice?

My Sister-in-Law Plans on Only Feeding Her 1-Year-Old Soy or Almond Milk: Advice?

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QUESTION: My Sister-in-Law Says She Will Only Feed Her 1-Year-Old Soy or Almond Milk: Is That Okay?

“My sister-in-law recently told that me that she plans on feeding her daughter only soy milk or almond milk once she turns one.

She hasn’t done any research or even talked to the pediatrician over it, and she’s not vegan and has no issues with lactose intolerance. I want to know if that’s a safe alternative to whole milk? What are the advantages/ disadvantages if she does that instead?

She is a first-time mother and doesn’t have much experience/knowledge and tends to randomly just do whatever she feels likes; for example, she told me that she feeds her food during the and basically only feeds her formula at night to sleep.

Her daughter is just turned nine months and I’m unsure of how long she’s been doing that for, but my son’s pediatrician once told me that it doesn’t matter if toddlers under one eat solid food or not (my son’s a picky eater), but they have to keep breastfeeding/ formula feeding all day to properly get all their nutrient intake. I’ve looked into it a bit but want to get more info from people who’ve done it. Thanks so much.”

RELATED: My Child’s Grandparents Gave Her Cow’s Milk Even Though I Asked Them Not To: How Should I Handle This?

My Sister-in-Law Plans on Only Feeding Her 1-Year-Old Soy or Almond Milk: Advice?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“Actually, it’s unnatural for humans to drink cow’s milk. Almond milk is much healthier. She’s the mom, she may parent a little different than you, but different isn’t wrong.”

“My pediatrician said my son doesn’t have to have whole milk without ruling out an allergy. Cow milk products aren’t as good for us as we think anyways. A lot of people use alternatives. We use oat milk as my son does not like almond milk and was having some congestion with whole milk.”

“I don’t think this is something you should be involving yourself in. It’s her baby, and I’m sure the pediatrician will talk with her about it.”

“Disadvantages include putting your nose where it doesn’t belong. Milk isn’t necessary for a healthy balanced diet.”

“No one needs to drink milk. If she decides to give HER child almond milk that totally her choice.”

“Sorry but not sorry. It sounds like you are trying your hardest to find something, anything wrong with how she’s raising HER child. You may think she’s ‘just a first time mo,’ but a lot of first time mom’s can school veteran mom’s these days. Stay out of her business and stop being a judgemental mom.”

“It may come as a surprise but humans don’t actually need cows’ milk at all. There are a few alternatives including almond and soy milk (soy milk is better for toddlers).”

“Here’s some advice: M.Y.O.B. You are putting someone else’s mothering under the microscope to try and equate your opinion with fact. Low-key mom-shaming. So not cool.”

“I guess I don’t see your reasoning behind a child who is lactose sensitive/intolerant and a child who doesn’t have it? Are the nutrients any different in one child vs the one with an issue? Also it’s not like she’s starving the child or anything of the likes. I’d mind yourself like others have said. Although I do see a huge issue with lack of formula all day when baby is only 9 months.”

“Both of those are great options. Apparently you need to be the one who learns a small lesson here.”

“Why are you so pressed about her child? Is he healthy? Does his pediatrician have issues with his weight? Is there any signs of abuse or neglect that warrant you being a nosey and controlling weirdo? If the answer was NO to any of these then LEAVE YOUR SISTER AND HER CHILD ALONE. They would honestly benefit from you distancing yourself from them.”

“This kind of gives off ‘I don’t like SIL and need to find something wrong with how she parents her child’ vibes. Did she actually tell you she did no research? Or that she didn’t consult the pediatrician? Or are you assuming?”

“Babies don’t actually need milk of any kind. Humans are the only species that consume another species milk. A baby can get all their calcium, iron, etc from other sources. In fact, milk isn’t even the greatest way to get these nutrients. You’d have to drink a LOT of milk to get real benefits from it. As for cutting back formula before their first birthday, they can get their nutrient from other sources in combination with formula/breast milk. They don’t need to get all their nutrient from the bottle/boob. Calm down and let your sister in law parent her own children. Stop micromanaging or over analyzing her decisions.”

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