Mamas Uncut

After Becoming a Stay-At-Home Mom, My Family Started Judging Me: Should I Go Back to Work?

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QUESTION: Should I go back to work after being a stay-at-home mom?

“I got to the US about five years ago. I have s 5-year-old son and a set of twin girls who are 31 months old. I was going to school while I worked part-time before I had the twins. Now, I stay at home with the children while only my husband goes to work. People around me, especially my family, feel I am lazy for being at home all this while. My question is those of you in a similar situation, how did you do it? What kind of job were you able to do, and where did you keep the children?

I have not been able to complete the nursing program I registered for because I failed my 3rd semester. If I go to work now, how will I be able to pay for the daycare considering the fact that I won’t get enough pay because I have no certificate to work with? My husband is not really pressurizing me, but he talks about it once in a while. I am afraid to take my kids to a random babysitter, I just don’t know what to do.”

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After Becoming a Stay-At-Home-Mom, My Family Started Judging Me: Should I Go Back to Work?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

Firstly, you do what you want and what’s best for your family not everyone else! Be a stay at home mom ignore them.”

“Look for work from home jobs. Due to virus, a lot of companies are finding it’s cheaper to pay a person to work from home.”

“I’ve not been criticized for being a stay-at-home mom by others but I do sometimes feel guilty that I’m not contributing to the money aspect. I do clean my house and cook and homeschool our children. My husband loves that I am home with the kids because we don’t trust others to watch them except for family at times. Since you don’t have that support I suggest you go back to school online for now or go to night school while your husband is home with the kids asleep. Sacrifices are worth it in the end. Keep your head up and don’t listen to those other people criticizing you.”

“Do what’s best for your family. But, it sounds like you do have aspirations for yourself in the future. Maybe you can do some online classes to make up for failing 3rd semester if you think nursing might still be an option. I went back to school after 4 kids and I was a stay-at-home mom. I knew at some point I would re-enter the workforce and wanted to be better prepared than a minimum wage job. Don’t get me wrong, I loved being a stay-at-home mom for my kids! But I also looked to the future.”

“If you can afford to be a stay-at-home mom then do it if that’s what feels right to you. People are so judgmental. It’s between you and your husband to decide what’s best for your family.”

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