Mamas Uncut

Shawn Johnson East Terrified To Have Boy After Immersing Herself Into Being A ‘Girl Mom’

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Shawn Johnson East adores her little girl Drew, 1, whom she shares with her husband, Andrew Eastso much so that she is getting anxious about becoming a ‘boy mom.’

After her bout with COVID and being pregnant while also chasing around a toddler, Shawn has already proved in strides she can handle whatever is next — including a boy.

Shawn Johnson East Scared To Have Boy After Being Girl Mom
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Most days, Shawn really just feels very much so pregnant (her words).

“My goodness, I feel nine months pregnant already, which I don’t know how is possible. I feel good, but you get a lot larger a lot faster on your second.”

Shawn went on to share the biggest differences between her current pregnancy and when she was pregnant with Drew.

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“Honestly, everything can be summed up with Drew. With my first pregnancy, the only thing I did was lie on the couch and watch Netflix and eat and take care of myself. Now I just chase around the toddler and try to keep up with her.”

And when it comes to cravings, Shawn had to get creative living in a family where dairy didn’t do much good to each other’s bodies.

“The first time around, anything that I craved, it was just like an easy, “Let’s go pick it up and eat it.” This time around, I have a toddler who has very specific dietary needs. … My daughter has eczema, and we had to remove dairy from her diet very, very early on. I’m lactose intolerant, and so is my husband. So we’ve kind of been living that life for a while. And I love yogurt, I crave yogurt parfaits , but the dairy really affects me. There really haven’t been any [nondairy] yogurts out there that are good and creamy. And I found Harmless Harvest‘s yogurt probably two months ago. I was obsessed, and so was my daughter, which is great. I posted about it, and they reached out … I love what they’re about. Their sustainability, how everything’s ethically sourced.”

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And when it comes to having a boy — while Shawn has her worries, overall she is elated to gift her daughter a sibling.

“We didn’t find out what we are having with our daughter until she was born, and I was convinced until the day she was born that we were having a boy. I was mentally prepared for that. I thought, the rough and tough and lighting stuff on fire — I could deal with that. I was really scared by a girl and the emotions, the sensitivities, and … the little nuances that can be different between boys and girls. And I fell in love with being a girl mom. I swore I would never buy something pink. I would never be into the girly stuff, but I am fully immersed.”

“Now I’m getting ready to have a boy, and I don’t know how to do it. It’ll be awesome. I’m so excited, and I think especially with my daughter, she’s a very rough and tough girl, so it’ll be a perfect match.”

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