Mamas Uncut

Mom Reveals Salon Refused Her Service Because Her Infant Was Not Wearing A Face Mask

Meri Smith was looking forward to finally getting her haircut at Great Clips in Greeley, Colorado. But all did not go as planned…

Allegedly, the salon informed the mother she would not be able to get her trim as her 7-month-old was with her and he was too young to wear a mask.

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Prior to the incident, the mother was elated to get her first haircut since the pandemic began in March.

Smith informed WTVR that she was prepared after making an appointment online and had her mask ready for her scheduled time slot.

But when she arrived at the salon, she was informed that her 7-month-old son could not come in with her.

Salon Refused Mom Service As Her Infant Was Not Wearing Mask
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“They said you can’t come in because he’s under two and he can’t wear a mask,” Smith said.

And as a teacher, Smith knows there is a statewide mask mandate for everyone, except for kids 10 and younger.

She admitted she was embarrassed when she was informed her son was not welcomed.

“I just felt rejected. It made me sad and uncomfortable that I couldn’t go get a haircut just because my son was a baby,” she shared.

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CEO of Holtzman Enterprises Inc. and a Great Clips franchisee, Michelle Iacovetta, sent WTVR the following statement:

“Holtzman Enterprises, Inc. does not require children under two years of age to wear a mask in our salons, following guidance from the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics.”

And while she noted the situation at the Greely Great Clips “unfortunate and disappointing” she also pledged to do better on behalf of the whole company.

“We will be using this as an educational opportunity with staff to reinforce the details of our mask policy and we would welcome the opportunity to apologize directly to the community member.”

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