Mamas Uncut

A Heroic Mom Pushed Her Baby Out of the Way Before Being Hit and Killed by SUV in Georgia

In a heroic effort to save her child, a mother, Rukayat Ronke Subiar, pushed her baby stroller out of the way before an SUV hit and killed her on a busy road in College Park, GA.

The woman was crossing the street at 7 a.m. when she was hit by a 20114 Ford Explorer, a Clayton County police spokesman said, according to WSB-TV Atlanta.

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Rukayat Ronke Subiar pushed her baby out of the way before being struck and killed by a car.

Though authorities could not identify the victim at first, they later confirmed her name to be Rukayat Ronke Subiar, 36, of Riverdale.

Subiar was able to push her stroller out of the way before being hit. The child was taken to the hospital but was unharmed in the accident.

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Rukayat Ronke Subiar: A Heroic Mom Pushed Her Baby Out of the Way Before Being Hit and Killed by Car in Georgia

The SUV attempted to avoid hitting Subiar and her child and went right into a school bus full of students, according to police. Fortunately, no one from the bus was harmed. The district did provide grief counselors to students who may have been affected.

Georgia State Patrol also added that the driver of the SUV “was not operating the vehicle in a reckless manner,  nor violating any traffic laws at the time of the crash,” according to witnesses.

Georgia State Patrol is currently investigating the incident, but it sounds like they are not planning to press charges.

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