Spouses / Partners

Babysitter Quits After Reading Employer's Private Messages

Babysitter Quits After Revealing She Had Been Reading Employer’s Private Messages Between Her & Her Husband

One stressed mama wrote to the AITA community on Reddit to ask if she did something wrong after her babysitter quit after revealing she had been reading private messages between her and her husband.

Babysitter Quits After Revealing She Had Been Reading Employer’s Private Messages Between Her & Her Husband Read More »

Angry Bride Fires Wedding Photographer Over BLM Post

Angry Bride Fires Wedding Photographer Over Black Lives Matter Post

Shakira Rochelle, like millions of other Americans, have been protesting police brutality and systemic racism in the name of the Black Lives Matter movement by holding signs at rallies, donating to organizations, or in Rochelle’s case, simply posting the message on their social media pages.

Angry Bride Fires Wedding Photographer Over Black Lives Matter Post Read More »

Kelly Clarkson Had Been Having Issues In Marriage For Awhile

Kelly Clarkson and Brandon Blackstock’s Issues Have Been Boiling For Quite Some Time, Source Reveals

While Kelly Clarkson and Brandon Blackstock’s recent divorce comes as a shock to most, an insider revealed to PEOPLE how the couple has been butting heads for quite some time.

Kelly Clarkson and Brandon Blackstock’s Issues Have Been Boiling For Quite Some Time, Source Reveals Read More »

Son Asks Mom For IVF Money, She Tells Him To Find A New Wife

Son Asks Mom For IVF Money, She Tells Him To Find A New Wife With A ‘Working Reproductive System’

One dad posted to Reddit’s AITA forum asking for advice on becoming a parent while also asking if he should cut off his own in the process. The OP revealed he was struggling to become a parent and sought out his parent’s help.

Son Asks Mom For IVF Money, She Tells Him To Find A New Wife With A ‘Working Reproductive System’ Read More »

I No Longer Have Romantic Feelings for My Husband Even Though He's a Great Partner and Dad: Advice?

I No Longer Have Romantic Feelings for My Husband Even Though He’s a Great Partner and Dad: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her relationship with her husband. She says that she no longer feels a romantic connection with her husband; instead, she only sees him as a friend. He’s a good man and a good father, she says, but the romantic spark is gone. They are currently living separately so that she can spend some time exploring her feelings, and they are already in therapy together. She feels torn between her head and her heart. Any advice for her?

I No Longer Have Romantic Feelings for My Husband Even Though He’s a Great Partner and Dad: Advice? Read More »

How Do I Tell My Fiancé I Absolutely Hate the Engagement Ring He Bought Me?

How Do I Tell My Fiancé I Absolutely Hate the Engagement Ring He Bought Me?

A woman writes in asking for advice about her engagement ring. She says her now-fiancé bought her an engagement ring which she “absolutely hates.” She wants to know the best way to tell him that she doesn’t like the ring, preferably without hurting his feelings or causing a problem overall.

How Do I Tell My Fiancé I Absolutely Hate the Engagement Ring He Bought Me? Read More »

Bride Asks Bridesmaid To Lose Weight Before Wedding

After Bridesmaid Gains Pandemic Pounds, Bride Asks Her ‘Gently’ To Return To Her Last Dress Size To Stay In Wedding

One bride isn’t buying the pandemic-15-pound excuse. After asking the internet if she was wrong to ask a bridesmaid to lose weight for her wedding, many are shocked at the details.

After Bridesmaid Gains Pandemic Pounds, Bride Asks Her ‘Gently’ To Return To Her Last Dress Size To Stay In Wedding Read More »

Half Of Men With Kids Say They Do Most Of The Home Schooling

Almost Half Of Men With Children Believe They Are Doing More Homeschooling Than Their Partners, But According To The Stats, It Couldn’t Be Further From The Truth

Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, homeschooling has been added to parent’s to-do list, and according to a new poll by Morning Consult for The New York Times, women are bearing the brunt of the workload.

Almost Half Of Men With Children Believe They Are Doing More Homeschooling Than Their Partners, But According To The Stats, It Couldn’t Be Further From The Truth Read More »

How Do You Maintain a Healthy, Enjoyable Love Life with Kids at Home? | A mom writes in asking for advice about her love life. She wants to know how other moms manage love and intimacy with their partners when kids — teenagers, specifically — are always around and may be overhearing or seeing things you'd rather they not.

How Do You Maintain a Healthy, Enjoyable Love Life with Kids at Home?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her love life. She wants to know how other moms manage love and intimacy with their partners when kids — teenagers, specifically — are always around and may be overhearing or seeing things you’d rather they not.

How Do You Maintain a Healthy, Enjoyable Love Life with Kids at Home? Read More »

Dad's Breaks Harsh Relationship Advice To Son, Admits Regret Over Getting Married

Dad’s Breaks Harsh Relationship Advice To Son, Admits Regret Over Getting Married

A father recently took to Reddit to share his reaction when his son asked both he and his wife if he should attempt to keep a long-distance relationship with his girlfriend when he leaves for college in the fall.

Dad’s Breaks Harsh Relationship Advice To Son, Admits Regret Over Getting Married Read More »

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