
From marriage and divorce to sibling rivalries to mother-in-law woes, relationships are the most important parts of our lives. Here, find news and stories about the many colorful relationships that shape our existence (for better and worse).

Mother-in-Law Surprises Son & Wife By Moving Next Door; Leaves Them To Take Care of Her House & Chickens For Months

Mother-in-Law Surprises Son and His Wife By Moving Next Door, Then Leaves Them To Take Care of Her House and Chickens For Months

“I don’t even know where to begin. She was looking to move down south to where we are, which we were semi-okay with but then the house right next door went up for auctions and she bought it.”

Mother-in-Law Surprises Son and His Wife By Moving Next Door, Then Leaves Them To Take Care of Her House and Chickens For Months Read More »

I Think My Husband is Talking Bad About Me Behind My Back to His Family: Any Advice?

I Think My Partner is Speaking Negatively About Me Behind My Back to His Family: Any Advice?

“A couple of nights ago it was getting late and he wasn’t home from work so when i rang him to see where he was he told me he was at his parents house and he wasn’t coming home he was going to stay there, I felt a little angry but said fine.”

I Think My Partner is Speaking Negatively About Me Behind My Back to His Family: Any Advice? Read More »

Should I Allow Other Family Members to Spank My Daughter?

Should I Allow Other Family Members to Spank My Daughter?

“So my when it comes to discipline, I view spanking as a very last resort, and to due it with a clear mind, no anger. Other forms of discipline exist, and I think those should be approached before any else. Ex. Physical training (wall sits, Laps etc) time out, chores. Anyway, my husband wants to give rights to my daughters aunts and uncles, also grandparents to spank her, but i firmly believe if she gets spanked, it should be by me or her father only!”

Should I Allow Other Family Members to Spank My Daughter? Read More »

I'm Pregnant on Bed Rest and Have No Support System Because My Partner Left Me: Any Advice?

I’m Pregnant, on Bed Rest, and Have No Support System Because My Partner Left Me: Any Advice?

“So then this week I received a solicitor’s letter stating to please stop contacting my client and that I even called him 14 times in one day. I did regrettably do this because that day I was admitted to the high dependency unit with the blood clots.”

I’m Pregnant, on Bed Rest, and Have No Support System Because My Partner Left Me: Any Advice? Read More »

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