Extended Family

How Can I Help My Grown Stepchildren Learn to Fend for Themselves and Generally Become Better Adults?

How Can I Help My Grown Stepchildren Learn to Fend for Themselves and Generally Become Better Adults?

A mom writes in asking for advice about getting her grown stepchildren to fend for themselves. This mom says she tragically lost her own daughter, but she raised her husband’s two children. She says one of those children, now aged 22, brought his girlfriend home to this mom’s home. She says they proceeded to do literally nothing except lay in bed and watch TV. They did not get jobs or help around the house. Their unhygienic habits caused an infestation of bugs that cost $2000 to fix. How can this mom help her stepchild and his girlfriend learn to fend for themselves and “move on with life.”

How Can I Help My Grown Stepchildren Learn to Fend for Themselves and Generally Become Better Adults? Read More »

My Grandmother Doesn't Respect My Parenting Rules or Wishes: Advice?

My Grandmother Doesn’t Respect My Parenting Rules or Wishes: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her grandmother. She says her grandmother — her son’s great grandmother — refuses to respect her parenting rules. She cites a couple of examples, including a time she told her son he was not allowed to go in the pool at his great grandmother’s house, only to turn around and watch her grandmother let him go into the pool. She also says she has repeatedly asked her grandmother not to kiss her son on the face, but she frequently kisses him on the lips. This mom is fed up and is tempted to withhold her son until things change; is that wise?

My Grandmother Doesn’t Respect My Parenting Rules or Wishes: Advice? Read More »

Mom Asks Gay Teen To Not Come Out Until Family Dies

Mom Asks Her Gay Teen To Not Come Out To Family Or Post To Social Media Until “They Die”

One mom recently posted to the Reddit’s AITA community to ask for insight on a conversation she had with her teen daughter regarding coming out to her teen’s grandparents. The mom (OP) began her post by revealing she is a 36-year-old mom with a 16-year-old daughter.

Mom Asks Her Gay Teen To Not Come Out To Family Or Post To Social Media Until “They Die” Read More »

Derick Dillard Promises To Reveal Truth Behind Duggar Feud

Derick Dillard Promises To Reveal ‘Everything Soon’ In Regards To Feud With Duggars

It has been a few years since Derick Dillard and the Duggar family have feuded but what was the straw that broke the camel’s back? Well thanks to a Tweet posted by Derick himself, we may find out soon enough….

Derick Dillard Promises To Reveal ‘Everything Soon’ In Regards To Feud With Duggars Read More »

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