Divorce / Separations

I Hate the Idea of Having a Blended Family: Am I Alone?

I Hate the Idea of Having a Blended Family: Am I Alone?

A mom writes in asking for advice about having a blended family. This mom, who is “in the middle of a very nasty divorce,” says she would rather be a single parent than “suffer” from a blended family. While she understands that her daughter will likely experience a blended family when her father eventually remarries, this mom doesn’t want to add any fuel to that particular fire. She thinks a blended family is “second best.” But is she perhaps blinded by the emotions of her divorce?

I Hate the Idea of Having a Blended Family: Am I Alone? Read More »

Source Says Britney Spears' Ex Kevin Federline Isn't Worried About the 'Free Britney' Campaign, He Will Continue to Allow Her to See Their Kids Per Custody Agreement

Source Says Britney Spears’ Ex Kevin Federline Isn’t Worried About the ‘Free Britney’ Campaign, He Will Continue to Allow Her to See Their Kids Per Custody Agreement

“If Kevin ever felt any concern about Britney’s state of mind, he would try to take legal steps.”

Source Says Britney Spears’ Ex Kevin Federline Isn’t Worried About the ‘Free Britney’ Campaign, He Will Continue to Allow Her to See Their Kids Per Custody Agreement Read More »

I'm a Stay-at-Home-Mom with No Money of My Own: How Can I File for Divorce?

I’m a Stay-at-Home-Mom with No Money of My Own: How Can I File for Divorce?

A mom writes in asking for advice about filing for divorce. She says she is about to start going through a divorce, and as a stay-at-home mom, she has no money or income to help her with this expensive legal matter. How can someone with no expendable income afford a lawyer, even if she needs one for something like a divorce? Below, the community weighs in with some advice for this mom-in-need.

I’m a Stay-at-Home-Mom with No Money of My Own: How Can I File for Divorce? Read More »

10 Heartbreaking Yet Empowering Songs About Divorce That Hit All the Right Notes

10 Heartbreaking Yet Empowering Songs About Divorce That Hit All the Right Notes

Breaking up is hard to do, especially when it means dissolving a marriage. Whether you’re in need of a good cry, reassurance that everything is going to be ok, or an independence anthem, there is a song out there for every stage of the divorce process.

10 Heartbreaking Yet Empowering Songs About Divorce That Hit All the Right Notes Read More »

Kelly Clarkson Had Been Having Issues In Marriage For Awhile

Kelly Clarkson and Brandon Blackstock’s Issues Have Been Boiling For Quite Some Time, Source Reveals

While Kelly Clarkson and Brandon Blackstock’s recent divorce comes as a shock to most, an insider revealed to PEOPLE how the couple has been butting heads for quite some time.

Kelly Clarkson and Brandon Blackstock’s Issues Have Been Boiling For Quite Some Time, Source Reveals Read More »

I'm Scared My Child's Father May Try to Take Custody from Me: Advice?

I’m Scared My Child’s Father May Try to Take Custody from Me: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about custody. She says the father of her child, who is now five, has never been involved in the child’s life because she did not want him to be. She is now at a point where she is slowly letting her child’s father into their lives, but she is worried that he may try to take custody. Could he do that? Any. advice for her?

I’m Scared My Child’s Father May Try to Take Custody from Me: Advice? Read More »

Teen Mom's Mackenzie McKee Takes to Facebook to Say 'Today Is the Day I Walk Away' After Allegedly Discovering Her Husband Had an Affair With Her Cousin

Teen Mom’s Mackenzie McKee Takes to Facebook to Say ‘Today Is the Day I Walk Away’ After Allegedly Discovering Her Husband Had an Affair With Her Cousin

She came to this conclusion after randomly deciding “to pull Josh’s call and text logs.”

Teen Mom’s Mackenzie McKee Takes to Facebook to Say ‘Today Is the Day I Walk Away’ After Allegedly Discovering Her Husband Had an Affair With Her Cousin Read More »

Mom Wonders If She's the Asshole For Telling Her Ex-Husband's Soon-to-Be Ex-Wife That She and Her Daughter Want Nothing to Do With Her

Mom Wonders If She’s the A**hole For Telling Her Ex-Husband’s Soon-to-Be Ex-Wife That She and Her Daughter Want Nothing to Do With Her

“I was pretty shocked to discover that his wife reached out to me, basically crying about what happened, how she couldn’t believe it, and how now that we’re in the same camp, so to speak, we should maintain a relationship so our daughters can still be in each other’s lives and so we can commiserate.”

Mom Wonders If She’s the A**hole For Telling Her Ex-Husband’s Soon-to-Be Ex-Wife That She and Her Daughter Want Nothing to Do With Her Read More »

I Don't Think My Ex Is Fit to Take Care of the Kids Alone: Can I Have His Custodial Rights Stripped?

I Don’t Think My Ex Is Fit to Take Care of the Kids Alone: Can I Have His Custodial Rights Stripped?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her ex. She says she has been separated from her husband since August. He was not a good partner when they were together, and he hasn’t been a very present father, either. She wants to know what her options may be in terms of stripping her ex of his parental rights, or at least getting supervised visits for him because she fears for her kids’ lives sometimes when he has them.

I Don’t Think My Ex Is Fit to Take Care of the Kids Alone: Can I Have His Custodial Rights Stripped? Read More »

My Husband of 38 Years Says He No Longer Loves Me Romantically: How Do I Build a New Life Alone at 70?

My Husband of 38 Years Says He No Longer Loves Me Romantically: How Do I Build a New Life Alone at 70?

A woman writes in asking for advice about her marriage. She says her husband of 38 years told her in March that he is no longer romantically in love with her and wants a divorce. He says there isn’t someone else, and it seems like this woman has reason to believe him. But how does she start her life over, alone, at the age of 70?

My Husband of 38 Years Says He No Longer Loves Me Romantically: How Do I Build a New Life Alone at 70? Read More »

Jon Gosselin Calls Out the Mother of His Children for Not Using Her Nursing License During This Time

Jon Gosselin Calls Out the Mother of His Children for Not Using Her Nursing License During This Time

“I have no idea what she’s doing for work. I mean you think – as she claims she has her nursing license – that she’d be on the front line. That would be a good idea. Just saying.”

Jon Gosselin Calls Out the Mother of His Children for Not Using Her Nursing License During This Time Read More »

My Stepdaughter's Biological Mom Keeps Trying to Cut Me Out of the Girl's Life: Advice?

My Stepdaughter’s Biological Mom Keeps Trying to Cut Me Out of the Girl’s Life: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice in dealing with her stepdaughter’s biological mom. She says that this woman has consistently tried to cut off communication between the two, even going so far as to block the Original Poster (OP) from the girl’s new phone.

My Stepdaughter’s Biological Mom Keeps Trying to Cut Me Out of the Girl’s Life: Advice? Read More »

Mary Kay Letourneau

Sex Offender Mary Kay Letourneau Is Now Looking for a Fresh Start Following Her Divorce, Source Claims She’s on Dating Apps and Websites

“She’s on at least one dating site that I know of but she also has been on the apps. She’s just casually looking around to see if there’s anyone. She’s not someone who does well by herself.”

Sex Offender Mary Kay Letourneau Is Now Looking for a Fresh Start Following Her Divorce, Source Claims She’s on Dating Apps and Websites Read More »

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