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After Coming Home From Work, I Learned By Husband Didn’t Feed Our Kids Lunch, and I Don’t Know How to React

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QUESTION: What Would You Do If You Found Out Your Husband Didn’t Feed Your Kids Lunch?

“What would you do if you came home from work around 4:30 pm and found out that your husband didn’t feed your kids lunch?

RELATED: Q&A: My Son Screams Any Time My Husband Holds Him, Advice?

After Coming Home From Work, I Learned By Husband Didn't Feed Our Kids Lunch, and I Don't Know How to React

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“My ex husband did that once. I just stressed the importance of it. Just because they don’t ask for food or say they’re hungry doesn’t mean they dont need lunch. If it happened more often that’s a different problem.”

“How old are the kids? Lunch isn’t a big deal. I’m sure if they were hungry they would have let him know. Were they snacking? As far as I’m concerned unless they were asking for food and he was ignoring them to play video games or something I don’t see any issue. We don’t eat lunch until around 4ish anyway. Dinner doesn’t happen until between 9 and 10. We are a sports family. We don’t even get home until 8:30 or later.”

“I don’t think it’s really that big of a deal…if they were hungry they would have made it well known…sometimes my daughters 2 1/2 and 1 1/2 don’t eat lunch…maybe they have a big breakfast? Maybe they were just too busy playing? They survived and they will just eat extra good for supper.”

“Depends….. Were they playing all day having a blast and maybe time just got away from them? Did the kids say they weren’t hungry? My kids have played outside right on past lunch time, and if they were hungry, they would have said something.”

“Sometimes I forget to feed myself and my my kids until someone says they’re hungry.”

“Is this a one time occurrence? An occasional occurrence? Sometimes the day simply gets away from you.”

“I mean, were the kids hungry? Were they complaining about being hungry? Did your husband have lunch and not include the kids? How old are the kids? How often does your husband have them around lunch time and does he usually feed them lunch?”

“I wouldn’t care, if my kids are hungry they will ask. If they were a baby and didn’t eat that’s different.”

“Happened for real here. They ran up to me as soon as I got home. He said they didn’t say they were hungry. I said they are kids you are the adult. When it’s lunch get them lunch. I told them from now on if you get hungry when I am not here ask the grown up in charge for food. It never happened again. They lived.”

“Half of me wants to ask why we don’t hold men up to the same standards as women, but the other half wants to say “He’s a man! Men aren’t exactly bred to be nurturing!” I really wouldn’t know how to feel either.

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