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250 Rare Girl Names With Popular Nicknames

There is a special sort of excitement in learning that someone who goes by Vicky is not actually a Victoria but is something far rarer like Devika. There are plenty of rare girl names out there that come with pretty common nicknames. As a parent, you can get the best of both worlds with a popular nickname and a rare full name combination. It’s also great for your baby girl as she will be able to offer a simple, clear appellation she wishes to be called as opposed to the very rare name you have given her.

If this is something that sounds appealing to you, we’ve got 50 nicknames that are pretty well-known that can be applied to over 250 rare girl names. Yes, we’ve done the hard part for you by discovering all of the super unique names that can easily be transformed into a stellar nickname that is very user-friendly! Take a look and get some baby name inspiration for your little girl on the way!

Discover the Best Nicknames for Rare Girl Names Below:


Rare Girl Names With Popular Nicknames

Abby is an evergreen favorite of a nickname for Abigail. That’s not the only name it can be used with. Others include: Abilene, Abra, Arabella, Rahab, Zainab.


Addie is a great nickname that is usually used for Addison or Adeline. But those names don’t get to have all the Addie fun. Other girl names you can use Addie for include: Adelia, Adrielly, Ariadne, Cariad, Zenaida.


Allie is not just for Allison. There are so many other great girl names you can use it for instead. They include:  Alaska, Allegra, Citlali, Opal, Rosalie.


Andi is a great nickname that can be considered a unisex choice as it is applied for both Andrea and Andrew. But, you can get a little weirder with it by using one of these names instead: Andromeda, Anadelia, Fernanda, Holland, Leandra.


Annie is not just for the Annes of this world. Other names that Annie can work for include: Anastasia, Anahita, Diana, Ianthe, Stefania.


Bee is a catch-all style of nickname but most folks associate it with Beatrice. You can do better than that with rare girl names like Beata, Bettony, Deborah, Phoebe, Ruby.

Bella or Belle

Belle or Bella are nicknames usually associated with Isabel or Isabella. Those are not the only possibilities! Other rare girl names that can use this nickname include Bellamy, Campbell, Ishbel, Mabel, Mirabel.


Billie is a great name for girls on its own but it can also be short for a number of rare girl names. These include Bilqis, Jubilee, Nabila, Sybil, Wilhelmina.


Bo is just a darling nickname as it sounds like what you top a gift with. The nickname is usually associated with Bonnie but other possibilities include rare girl names like Boheme, Boston, Bowie, Isabeau, Rainbow.


Callie is commonly put to use as a nickname for Caroline but other rare girl names can also handle it. Callahan, Calliope, Callista, Clarissa, Kalani are also fantastic options that are completely out of the box.


Not just for Cassandra, Cassie is a nickname that can be used for the following rare girl names: Cassia, Cassiopeia, Charis, Dorcas, Lucasta.


Edie has got to be one of the cutest nicknames of all time. While it is usually used for Edith, the nickname will also work for Benedicta, Eden, Enid, Frederica, Meredith.

Ella, Ellie, or Elle

Ella, Ellie, and Elle are all common nicknames for the most popular girl names that start with E. Think names like Elizabeth, Eloise, etc. But, those names are not the only vehicle to get you to one of these nicknames. Rare girl names that they will work for include Aurelia, Ellery, Elowen, Noelle, Yareli.


A nickname commonly used for Elizabeth, Elsie can be a short form of the following rare girl names as well Demelza, Eloise, Elspeth, Elysia, Felicity.


Emmy is the most popular nickname for the name Emily but there are other options out there that could work with it as well. Anemone, Clementine, Embla, Emerald, Emmanuelle are some more unique options to consider.


Etta is such an amazing nickname and any little girl would be lucky to get. It has been used in England and Scotland for centuries as a short form of Henrietta. However, there are other possibilities in Colette, Estelle, Harriet, Hester, Scarlett.

Eva or Evie

While these two nicknames are generally used for Eves and Evelyns you can venture off of the beaten path with rare girl names like Evadne, Geneva, Niamh, Reverie, Yvaine.

Fran or Frankie

These typical nicknames for Frances take on new life when applied to more adventurous names like Francine, Franka, Franklin, Saffron, Sophronia.

Gia or Gigi

Gia and Gigi have classically been used for George (technically a unisex name) or Georgia. You can get these desirable nicknames to also go with Genesis, Georgiana, Giovanna, Ginevra, Pelagia.

Haddie or Hattie

Haddie and Hattie have been used as nicknames for Harriet since medieval times! However, you can buck that long tradition by using it for Behati, Hadriana, Harvest, Hathaway, Hyacinth.


Another nickname that’s been used for a very, very long time in England is Hallie where it is usually given to girls names Harriet. That is not a rule though! Other rare girl names to use instead are Hallelujah, Halliday, Halston, Harlow, Mahala.


The standard nickname for Isobel is Izzy. It’s cute and spunky and very attractive to parents. If you’d like a name that really stands out, use it for Isadora, Ismay, Ismene, Izumi, Louisa.


Josie is not just a nickname for Josephine. Use it for Jocasta, Jocelyn, Josette, Journey, Rejoice as well.

Kate or Katie

There are plenty of nicknames for Katherine so we are not doing it a disservice by suggesting you use Kate or Katie for Cadence, Cataleya, Catesby, Ekaterina, Kateri as well.

Lena or Lina

A common choice for girls named Helena, Lena or Lina are pretty common nicknames. But, you can choose a less worn name. Other options for Lena or Lina include Adeline, Leonora, Linnea, Magdalena, Selena, Paulina.

RELATED: 100 Nickname Girl Names That Are Short and Sweet


Lily is a flowery nickname that is used for a lot of girl names. Some of the rare possibilities are Amaryllis, Delilah, Galilee, Lilibet, Lilinoe.


Don’t let Olivia have all the fun with the cherished nickname Liv. Use for Livia, Lively, Livingston, Olivine, Sullivan as well.


There are approximately 10,000 different nicknames for Elizabeth out there. Lizzie is a great one but we prefer it used for Adeliza, Elise, Felizia, Lisette, Polyxena.


Lottie feels like a vintage nickname for Charlotte. But this sweet nickname can also be applied to girls named Carlotta, Clotilde, Elliot, Loretta, Pilot.


You can also use Maddie for Amadea, Maddox, Madigan, Madrigal, Marjorie. Madeline is not the only option.


Maggie is such a warm nickname that it’s no surprise that you might want to pick for your daughter. If Margaret is not doing it for you, go with Magnolia, Maguire, Mairead, Margot, Marigold.


Maisie is a Scottish short form of the names Margaret or Mary. They do not get to have all the fun, however.  Esme, Mason, Mazikeen, Meilani, Thomasina are also wonderful options.


Mia is a standalone name but it can be used as a nickname as well. Some of the more colorful options to use it for include Emiliana, Hermia, Miamor, Miriam, Noemia.

Millie or Mila

Millie feels old-fashioned because it is commonly used for the “grandma name,” Mildred. Put Millie or Mila to good use for these names as well: Camilla, Ludmila, Milan, Mireille, Vermilion.


Molly is commonly used for a variety of names that start with M including Mary and Martha. Other possibilities include Amalia, Kamala, Malka, Marlowe, Romola.

Nell or Nellie

Helen or Eleanor commonly get the nicknames Nell or Nellie. You can also use them for Annelise, Endellion, Fenella, Helena, Penelope.


Nina is used for a few different names that have that “-nina” ending. Some of the more offbeat ones include Angelina, Clementina, Eponine, Penina, Valentina.


Nora is typically used for Eleanor but other distinct options include Eleanora, Elsinore, Gwenora, Honor, North.


Penelope is a bit of a mouthful so it is no shock that folks have used Penny for it for decades. Another way to go is with one of these rare girl names: Aspen, Pennington, Penrose, Spencer, Tuppence.


Pippa is a popular standalone name in the UK but it is much more polarizing in the US. If you like the nickname which gets used for Phillipa often, try it for Epiphany, Olympia, Persephone, Phyllis, Primrose as well.


Polly is actually used most for girls named Molly. If you want to go in a different direction, try Apollonia, Hippolyta, Leopoldine, Paloma, Polina.

Ren or Wren

Ren and Wren are used interchangeably for Lauren and Renee. Other possibilities for this nickname are Brenna, Laurentia, Reagan, Renata, Serenity.


Romy is a delightful nickname that is typically given to girls named Rosemary. Other names to also consider are Andromache, Hiromi, Promise, Romola, Rosamund.


You will hear Rory used most often for girls named Aurora. But, there are more rare girl names to try it with. Aurora, Dolores, Floriana, Rosemary, Roxana all sound like winners to us.


Not just a nickname for Rose, Rosie can also be used for Ambrosia, Generosity, Primrose, Rosalind, Rozina. Aren’t those some fun options?


Sadie is a standalone name of Hebrew origin that is related to Sara. But, you can use it as a nickname for the following rare girl names: Elysee, Mercedes, Sadira, Sarita, Seraphina.


Thea has been used for centuries as a nickname for Theodora. Some rare girl names that it also works for are Amalthea, Anthea, Philothea, Theodosia, Theophania.


Tilly might seem like it will only work for Matilda but think again! Tilly also can be applied to Chantilly, Domitilla, Tilden, Tyler, Ottilie.


Winnie is a traditional Welsh nickname that is used for all sorts of Welsh names like Edwina. Some rare girl names to also use Winnie with include Baldwin, Guinevere, Winona, Winslet, Winsome.

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Vivi is a nickname that you do not hear too terribly often but when you do, it is typically for a girl named Vivian. Other names to use with Vivi with are Aviva, Genevieve, Octavia, Sylvia, Viveka.

If you enjoyed learning about these rare girl names with popular nicknames, keep reading for even more nickname inspiration. These baby girl names come with the most thrilling shortened forms.

Cute Nicknames for Girls

A & B Girl Names

C & D Girl Names

E & F Girl Names

G & H Girl Names

I & J Girl Names

K & L Girl Names

M & N Girl Names

O & P Girl Names

R & S Girl Names

T & V Girl Names

W, Y & Z Girl Names

Unisex Cute Nicknames

A – G Names

H – Q Names

R – Z Names

There you go! What did you think of these baby appellations with cute nicknames? We hope they inspired you and gave you food for thought on your baby girl name search. After all, most of us will use a nickname for our children more than their proper name so it’s only logical to consider what nickname you will use for your sweet baby girl. Happy baby name hunting!

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