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Rapper T.I. Get Into Public Screaming Match With His Son at Football Game

Rapper T.I. Get Into Public Screaming Match With His Son at Football Game | Rapper T.I. and Tiny had just about had it with their adult son, King.
Rapper T.I. and Tiny had just about had it with their adult son, King.

According to reports, T.I. and Tiny are speaking out after their son got into a verbal dispute with others attending the Atlanta Falcons’ 50th anniversary of Hip Hop celebration Sunday.

As TMZ reports, the video, shared on Twitter, shows King talking about how he grew up “in the hood and stood on business.” But T.I. isn’t letting that slide. 

The verbal match between father and son first started out as playful, but got serious and almost came to physical blows when King got too mouthy with his father. That’s when T.I. made sure to put his son in his place.

After King claimed he wasn’t born with a “silver spoon” in his mouth, Tiny said her son “sucked on a pacifier till he was 12 years old. He cried like a baby.” 

After King got upset with his parents calling him out, he got angry. That’s when T.I. told his son, “You are embarrassing yourself.”

You can watch the full argument below. Warning: the video does contain language some may find offensive.

What do you think of how T.I. handled the situation?

This isn’t the first time T.I.’s parenting skills were showcased to the public. You may recall this story from 2020:

T.I.’s Daughter Cries As She Talks About the Moment She Learned About the Personal Comments Her Dad Made About Her Gynecology Appointments

June 21, 2020 / CelebritiesEntertainmentParentingRelationshipsVideos / By Sara Vallone

RELATED: Months After T.I. Made Comments About His Daughter’s Reproductive Health, He Apologized Publicly in Wake of Kobe Bryant’s Tragic Passing

“Not only have we had the conversation — we have yearly trips to the gynecologist to check her hymen. Yes, I go with her. […] So we’ll go and sit down and the doctor comes and talk, and the doctor’s maintaining a high level of professionalism. He’s like, ‘You know, sir, I have to, in order to share information’ — I’m like, ‘Deyjah, they want you to sign this so we can share information. Is there anything you would not want me to know? See, Doc? Ain’t no problem.’ I will say, as of her 18th birthday, her hymen is still intact.”

People were outraged that T.I. felt his actions were normal. “No exaggeration, T.I. invading the space and humanity of his daughter like this is one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever heard,” one commenter wrote.

Following his comments, T.I. appeared on Red Table Talk with Jada Pinkett Smith to explain himself after he was hit with a substantial amount of hate. He noted that he made the comments in a joking matter. “From a place of truth, I began to embellish and exaggerate. I think a lot of people took it extremely literal.”

Then, in February, days after Kobe Bryant passed away, T.I. issued another apology to Deyjah and his other daughters. Now Deyjah is speaking out herself.

Deyjah Harris Addresses Dad T.I. OBGYN Comments

During the most recent episode of T.I. & Tiny: Friends and Family Hustle, Deyjah is seen in tears over her dad’s deeply personal remarks. The teenager was one vacation when the interview was released.

“Things are completely uncomfortable for me right now,” she said in a confessional. “We’re all together in this house, so I have to see my Dad and be around him. And we’re in a foreign country so it’s not like I can leave and get away.”

Deyjah learned about the podcast while scrolling through Twitter and noticing she was tagged in a post about “gynecologist.” “I didn’t even need to read the whole title ’cause I just knew. My heart sank — very shocked, hurt, angry, embarrassed.”

Then in a conversation with her cousin, Deyjah said she was trying not to “I mean, honestly, I’m embarrassed definitely for sure,” she told her cousins. “I’m trying to put it in the back of my mind so I’m not really thinking about it. I know it’s not healthy. But I’ve been doing that since I was a child.”

The show also revealed that T.I. didn’t address the elephant in the room right away either, saying, “If Deyjah hasn’t come to me, why would I disrupt my energy with that?”

RELATED: T.I. Addresses the ‘Misconceptions’ Around His Statements About Taking His Daughter to Her Gynecology Appointments

“I need more time to figure out what I want to say, but things are completely awkward and uncomfortable between me and my Dad,” Deyjah said with tears in her eyes. “Prior to all of this happening, our relationship was pretty decent, but after all of this, it’s changed, honestly.”

It’s unclear what T.I. and Deyjah’s relationship looks like now.

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