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30 Rainy Day Date Ideas

You were planning on a round of mini-golf and a day in the park but it looks like rain, now what? Rainy day date ideas will turn a crummy day into an intimate adventure with your significant other! Now, you could just go make out in the rain for a little bit and pretend like your in a Nicholas Sparks‘ novel but we think most people’s idea of a successful date requires something a bit more involved and that’s where we come in!

We have discovered the best rainy day date ideas and want to share them with you for the next time those dark clouds come rolling in. Dating in the rain takes a touch of creativity but there are all sorts of activities that you two can get up to that don’t require optimal weather. We’ll turn to fun activities indoors, leisurely fun at home, and much more to offer you the best ideas for a successful rainy day date! Let’s go!

Check Out These Romantic Rainy Day Date Ideas!

Reading Is Hot

30 Rainy Day Date Ideas

If you have not listened to your partner read you a passage from a book or a lovely poem, are you even living? One of the most romantic things in the entire world is to snuggle up and take turns reading a book aloud. It may sound cheesy but it’s absolutely thrilling. Read one chapter and then let them read the next or pick random poems to share with one another. We can’t promise you’ll actually make it through an entire book but we bet you’ll have plenty of fun trying!

Laugh It Off

If you’re lucky enough to be in close vicinity to a comedy club or you know of a venue that has a comedy night, going to see a live show together could prove a fruitful and funny adventure. There’s no better antidote to a dreary day than laughter!

Make Dinner Plans at Home

One of the best rainy day date ideas involves something so deceptively simple that you might pass it up but we encourage you to lean into it. Planning a romantic dinner at home can be so much fun. Think wine and cheese to start followed by a light dinner and something sweet to put a cherry on top of the night. You can each choose to tackle one dish or you can play chef for the day! Whatever floats your boat!

Bust Out the Board Games

There are plenty of two-player games out there and all of them are going to be way more fun than just canceling your date due to the rain. Getting a little competitive will strengthen your bond and it will be a blast to see how serious your date takes a game, especially if you two are a relatively new item. Get your favorite snacks ready to go and you two will have yourselves a proper little game night.

Talk About Art

Museums and galleries are the perfect getaways on inhospitable days. One of the very best rainy day date ideas is to check out a gallery or museum that you’ve always wanted to go to. It’s wise to visit an institution that caters to both of your tastes. You want to ensure that the venue offers things that engage you both.

Play Some Video Games

When was the last time you set foot inside an arcade? A rainy day might be the perfect time for you to get nostalgic and go play some arcade games. Find the best games for you to play together and really have a ball!

Watch Old Movies

Pick out some classic movies that you’ve always wanted to see or take turns choosing some old movies. Or you can ask for their favorite old movie and see how you feel about it and then show your own beloved classic. Bonus points for classic thrillers or scary movies. They are always the most fun to watch in a storm.

Get Puzzled

One of the very best rainy day date ideas is to grab a puzzle or a new Lego set and start putting it together. Goal-oriented activities will keep your date purposeful but you can always stray and return to it as the day goes on. Low-stakes and big returns are what it’s all about!

At-Home Spa Day

Who doesn’t love taking a bath or getting a massage? You and your significant other can take turns pampering one another or you can just ask them to pamper you because you probably deserve it! Have a nice, long soak together, light some candles, put on some soothing music, and have yourself a most relaxing date.

Do You Both Love to Sweat?

Trying a new fitness class together could be a healthy way to spend your day if the both of you are active and into it. Take a new yoga class or go indoor rock climbing. Do whatever you want to get your heart rates up and feel like you’ve accomplished something beneficial and healthy for the day.

Go Skating

This is another one of the rainy day date ideas for active couples! If a fitness class seems like too much of a chore try something a little more passive. Ice skating or roller skating are always a blast and for many, it will take you back to childhood days if you haven’t strapped on a pair of skates in a while.

Take a Cooking Class

Learn some new skills on a rainy day! Take a baking class or a cooking class to learn how to make something delicious. The more niche the better so think about a sushi rolling class or learn how to make French pastry. Anything goes as long as it presents a challenge for both of you!

Have You Ever Done High Tea?

Sure, you could just go to your favorite restaurant and grab some grub, but when is the last time you had high tea? The best rainy day date ideas are the ones that are the most out of the box! Many nice hotels and restaurants will offer a tea service where you will get to try a bunch of delicious tea. The best part of high tea is the snacks! Think little sandwiches to nibble on and sweets that pair perfectly with your earl grey.

Ride a Train

This is one of the best rainy day date ideas for the weekend or a time when there are not a ton of commuters. If you live near a train hub, hop on a train and watch the rainy world slip by. Obviously, if you are someone who commutes to work by train every day it’s not going to be so romantic but for the right folks, it could be a ton of fun.

Binge Watch That Show You’ve Been Meaning to See

Most of us are aware of TV shows that are cultural touchstones but we have not personally seen them. If you and your date have never seen The Sopranos or The Wire or Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones, a rainy day is a perfect opportunity to cure your FOMO and catch up on some excellent TV. Pop some popcorn, build a fort in front of the TV, and really make a day of it! You won’t regret it.

Get Some Culture

When was the last time you saw a play? Have you ever been to the opera? How about seeing a symphony perform? For your rainy day date ideas, think of some activities that will enrich your life. Beautiful music or a perfectly delivered monologue might be the perfect way to spend that rainy day.

Get Crafty

When was the last time you embarked on a big crafting project? Grab some supplies and get to work! You and your S.O. could papier-mâché each other’s faces. You could get some modeling clay and recreate a home or famous landmark. The possibilities are endless!

Keep Reading for Even More Fun Rainy Day Date Ideas!

Treat Yourself

If a spa day at home is not your speed, the both of you could go do the real thing. Think about getting a couples massage or getting some mani-pedis. Rainy days are made for pampering and relaxation.

Have a Coloring Competition

Grab an adult coloring book or some supplies for painting. Have yourself a little art competition! Flexing your creative muscles will allow you both to get in touch with your creative side and competition will keep things interesting. Hang onto the art you’ve created and it might just become a cherished piece that you can enjoy for a long time to come.

RELATED: 30 Best Romance Movies for Any Rainy Day

Rainy Day Bake-Off!

Similar to the art competition, you could have a bake-off at home in your kitchen. Perhaps you want to see who can make the best chocolate chip cookies or who has the skills to properly frost a cake. A cold, rainy day is just made for some baking projects.

Make It Fashion

Shopping is not for everyone, but some over-the-top outfits could prove a very fun activity. Go to a big department store or mall and challenge each other to come up with the most outrageous outfits. You can set a time limit or any other sort of rules to make it more challenging, but the goal is to get dressed up in a weird outfit that’s out of character and to model said outfit off to your S.O.

Trivia Time

One of the most fun rainy day date ideas is to go to a trivia night at your local bar or pub. Most places do them you just need to find out which establishment will be offering trivia games on that day. You can compete as a team or against one another to see who knows the most random facts.

Tour an Old Home or Heritage Site

If there’s an old mansion that’s been turned into a museum in your community, a rainy day could be the perfect time to explore it. Many cities have these sorts of museums and there is truly nothing better than discovering interesting things in a creaky old house.

Pass the Time in a Used Bookstore

One of the best rainy day date ideas is to take a trip to a used bookstore. Unfortunately, they are not as plentiful as they once were but chances are there is a cool used bookstore near your community. Look through some old books together and take turns reading passages or simply do your own thing. We don’t know why this activity is best done with a warm beverage like coffee or tea in hand, but it’s a must!

Go Thrifting or Antiquing

Have you ever been to one of those huge antique malls? A rainy day could be the perfect excuse to go explore one. Find weird knick-knacks and vintage clothes to try on. If you go with an open mind and a sense of adventure, you will not be disappointed!

Tackle a Home Improvement Project

Okay, we know “home improvement” doesn’t scream “SEXY!” but a good DIY project is a smart way to pass the time. You could retile a backsplash or hang some new shelves. Of course, all of this depends on your situation but we’re sure you can think of something that needs to get done that will be much more enjoyable with a partner!

Karaoke Kids

Rent a karaoke room or go to a karaoke bar to release some steam. Getting silly and letting your hair down a bit is always a blast. Karaoke bars exist expressly for this reason! Make the most of a rainy day by slaying some power ballads and dancing your heart out.

Garden Indoors

The one thing that 2020 gave us was a renewed love of indoor gardening and houseplants. If you’ve always wanted to create a terrarium or you have been eyeing some new plants at the plant shop, get your hands dirty.

Go to the Movies

It’s one of the most classic rainy day date ideas but it’s a go-to for a reason. Go see a movie, stock up on snacks, and just enjoy being dry. For a muggy, summer day, you could find no better activity to escape the rain and humidity.

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Go Dance In That Rain

There you go! We hope you feel inspired by these rainy day date ideas and that they will serve you well on the next wet day that you encounter. Don’t let anyone rain on your parade, okay? After all, romance stops for no one! By finding something fun to do indoors you and your significant other can still bond and have an amazing day together. Only boring people get bored so get creative and you two are going to have an amazing date!

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