Mamas Uncut

25 Beautiful Quotes About Mothers That You Can Use for Your Mother’s Day Instagram Posts

Happy Mother's Day Concept. Black child greeting her mom with flowers and card, copyspace

One of the best parts of any holiday, but especially Mother’s Day, is scrolling through your social media feed to see how other families have celebrated. On Mother’s Day, we always find the posts to be extremely touching and deeply moving. So, to take our own Mother’s Day social media posts to the next level this year, we decided to take a look at some fantastic quotes that will make for great captions for all of those sweet, family photos you intend on sharing.

The holiday fall’s on May 9th this year which means that you have some time to get prepared! If you are looking for a way to tell your own mother you love her or are a mom yourself, there are so many tender, meaningful, and heartfelt quotes about motherhood that can apply. Check out our favorite 25 quotes about mothers that you can use for your Mother’s Day Instagram posts.

For the Mom Who Selflessly Sacrifices

25 Beautiful Quotes About Mothers That You Can Use for Your Mother's Day Instagram Posts

“A mother is a person who, seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.” — Tenneva Jordan

For the Mom with Irish Heritage

“A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.” — Irish Proverb

For a Spouse to Use

“To the world, you are a mother, but to your family, you are the world.” — Unknown

For a Spouse to Use Part II

“There will be so many times you feel like you failed. But in the eyes, heart, and mind of your child, you are a super mom.” — Stephanie Precourt

For the Patient Mom

“My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it.” — Mark Twain

For the Poetic Mom

“To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power. Or the climbing, falling colors of a rainbow.” — Maya Angelou

For the Mom You Want to Hug

“A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s.” — Princess Diana

For the Mom Who Wants to Follow You

“Mom, I love you, even though I’ll never accept your friend request.” — Unknown Millennial

For the Sweetest Mom

“If love is as sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love.” — Stevie Wonder

For the Mom Who Is Always in Your Corner

“Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.” — Unknown

For the Mom Who’s The Rock of the Fam

“Mother is the heartbeat in the home; and without her, there seems to be no heartthrob.” — Leroy Brownlow

For the Nonna

“If nothing is going well, call your grandmother.” — Italian Proverb

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For the Mom Who Is Magic

“To a child’s ear, ‘mother’ is magic in any language.” — Arlene Benedict

For the Mom Who Always Forgave You

“The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.” — Honore de Balzac

For the Mother Who Prayed with You

“I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.” — Abraham Lincoln

For the Mom with Steadfast Strength

“Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.” — Barbara Kingsolve

For the Mother You Mirror Yourself After

“My Mother: She is beautiful, softened at the edges and tempered with a spine of steel. I want to grow old and be like her. ” — Jodi Picoult

For the Mom Who Inspires You

“There is nothing in the world of art like the songs mother used to sing.” — Billy Sunday

For the Mom You Lost

“A mother’s happiness is like a beacon, lighting up the future but reflected also on the past in the guise of fond memories.” — Honore de Balzac

For the Mom Who Loves Meryl

“Motherhood has a very humanizing effect. Everything gets reduced to essentials.” — Meryl Streep

For the Mom Who Keeps the Peace

“I am sure that if the mothers of various nations could meet, there would be no more wars.” — E. M. Forster

For the Goddess Mama

“God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.” — Rudyard Kipling

For the Mom Who Does It All

“Mothers are like buttons. They hold everything together.” — Unknown

For the Considerate Mom

“When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.” — Sophia Loren

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For the Mom Who Still Teaches You

“I believe the choice to become a mother is the choice to become one of the greatest spiritual teachers there is.” — Oprah

There you go! What did you think of these 25 quotes about mothers? We think any of them would work beautifully as a caption for your Mother’s Day social media posts. Whether you are a mother yourself who wants to reflect on the mission of motherhood or you want to celebrate the mother in your life, we think these inspiring motherhood quotes would be the perfect way to add even more sweetness to a very special day.

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