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Sonogram of Tori Roloff daughter

Is Potential Dwarfism for Second Child a Concern for Tori Roloff?

As everyone awaits the second Roloff baby from Little People, Big World,  a natural question for the expecting parents are concerns over dwarfism for the baby.   Tori took to Instagram to answers fans about her baby on the way. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: ‘Little People, Big World’ Star Tori Roloff Shares Emotional Message About Her Pregnancy Tori took to Instagram Stories to share a peek at baby girl. A few weeks ago we shared that Zach and Tori are expecting a sister for son Jackson in November Fans Have Asked Whether Their Daughter Will be a Dwarf and Tori Responds Tori has been open about raising son Jackson who is not of normal height.  She’s committed to letting him grow into whom he’s supposed to be regardless of height.  “You should never put your child in a box,” she explained. She Shared Sonograms From Both Her Kids with Fans While being pregnant isn’t always fun, it’s super exciting to watch babies develop and grow! “The answer is we don’t know — and we won’t until she’s born,” she answered in a video. “We can [know] by now through an amniotic draw … but Zach and I opted out of that

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Science Says That Parents Aren’t Actually All That Miserable, Despite Seemingly Endless Evidence to the Contrary

Parenting is hard. Everything about it is hard. The messes. The emotions. The relationship struggles. The nothing-going-the-way-they-said-it-would-ness of it all. The screaming. So you’d think that all parents would be nothing but miserable, day-in and day-out. Turns out that’s not the case, at least according to a little thing we like to call science. You may have heard of science. Maybe you took a few courses in school, or maybe you’ve just been reading this very website. Regardless, at some point, you’ve likely heard of science and know that, for the most part, it is to be trusted. via GIPHY So when science says that parents aren’t miserable, we have no choice but to listen to science. Sure, we’re tempted to argue, because of the aforementioned messes and screaming and ruined relationships, but according to a recent Heidelburg University study, parents are generally happier later in life than people who did not have children. There is a catch: this only applies to parents whose grown children actually, you know, move out of the house. via GIPHY The main takeaway of the study is that people with children are generally happier later in life. (This study does not speak to the

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Woman's Uses Retirement Savings to Buy Grandparents new house

Woman Uses Her Retirement Savings To Give Grandparents The Ultimate Gift: A New Home

Kahealani Paradis had always dreamed of buying a new house — not for herself, but for her grandparents. So she decided to use her savings to give her grandparents a new home. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Woman Surprises Grandpa With Lady Gaga Tickets, and His Reaction Is Too Pure for This World Just like the many generations that came before them, Kahealani’s Hawaiian grandparents had never lived with electricity or running water. Instead, they lived off the land in Hawaii. Their lives were about their family and their island heritage. In a Facebook post, Kahealani described her feelings upon giving her grandparents a new home: “They persevered through hardships & never complained about what they didn’t have. They’ve done so much for so many people & never expect anything in return. They’ve sacrificed so much for me and raised me to know that it is always better to give than to receive…. that it ain’t all about the money in your pocket, but about sticking together as a family & loving each other unconditionally. I will never be able to truly express my gratitude & love for them (because it’s infinite!) but I will spend my life trying!” Kahealani wanted

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102-Year-Old Dancer Never Saw Herself On Film, Until Now

During the Harlem Renaissance of the 1930s and 40s, Alice Barker was a chorus line dancer. She shared the stage with legends like Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly, and Bill “Bojangles” Robinson and performed at the Apollo and the Zanzibar Club, She also danced in several movies, commercials and TV shows but sadly she had also lost all of her memorabilia over the years.  Then the YouTube channel Tenfresh got involved and Alice for the first time saw films of her performances.  Mark Cantor of Jazz on Film and the folks at Tenfresh secured “soundies” in which Alice appeared.  Tenfresh  filmed the moment Alice watched herself perform for the very first time.  Her reaction to seeing her videos and performances is moving. Alice is stunning in her youth, and her spirit remained beautiful throughout her life. Alice says that watching the video made her “wish that I could get out of this bed and do it all over again.” Unlike 100-year-old Eileen Kramer, Alice was only able to relive her dancing days through her memories, until this amazing footage came along.  The folks at Tenfresh updated their video posting with an emotional message: “Alice passed away peacefully on Wednesday, April 6th,

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