Mamas Uncut

120 Questions to Ask a Guy On a First Date

Most men aren’t exactly open books. As someone who has been in a committed relationship with one for over a decade, I can attest that they often keep things to themselves. This can prove especially maddening when you first start dating someone. It can take time for both of you to open up and show your true selves to one another. Thankfully, we’ve got 120 questions to ask a guy on a first date to help speed that process up a bit. These questions act as icebreakers to help you get the conversation started if there’s a shortage of one!

These questions to ask a guy are intended to not pry too deeply, but instead, begin a conversation about a topic that both of you would be comfortable talking about. It’s much easier to scratch the surface than to go too deep too quickly so be mindful of the way you ask these questions and be prepared to have the tables turned for you to be asked the same question(s) in return. Dating can be a challenge but it does not have to be painfully awkward. Try these questions to ask a guy to learn more about him and to discover if you two could be a good fit or at least on the path to date number two!

Check Out These 120 Questions to Ask a Guy to Get to Know Him Better & Make a Good Impression!

Questions to Ask a Guy That Work as Icebreakers

120 Questions to Ask a Guy On a First Date

Questions to Ask a Guy to Learn More About His Personality

Questions to Ask a Guy That Pry a Little Deeper

Questions to Ask a Guy

Warm & Friendly Questions to Ask a Guy

Questions to Ask a Guy Who Won’t Open Up

Questions to Ask a Guy to Learn Their Feelings About Material Things

Questions to Ask a Guy When Things Get Serious

Questions to Ask a Guy to Learn About His Outlook

Questions to Ask a Guy to Learn About the Life They Intend on Leading

Questions to Ask a Guy About Relationships Past, Present, & Future

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Playful Questions to Ask a Guy & a Couple of Morbidly Serious Ones

Random Questions to Ask a Guy

Questions to Ask a Guy That Prove the Devil’s In the Details

Questions to Ask a Guy That Go Deeper

Serious Questions to Ask a Guy to Gauge His Passion for Life

Questions to Ask a Guy About Work & Life

Questions to Ask a Guy About His Present & Future

Questions to Ask a Guy to Determine If He’s Daddy Material

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Secret Weapon Questions to Ask a Guy

There you go! We hope these questions to ask a guy will come to your aid on your next date. While we do recommend these questions for getting to know someone you’re just learning about, many of these questions will also work on your current boyfriend. It’s always nice when someone pays attention so you can return the favor by letting him talk about himself and then, following up with any relevant follow-up questions!

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