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Queen ‘Disappointed’ She Missed Remembrance Sunday Service Due To Back

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The Queen was “disappointed” to miss out on Remembrance Sunday service at the Cenotaph in London.

Buckingham Palace said the monarch, 95, had sprained her back.

Queen Elizabeth Is Driving Despite Doctor's Orders To Take It Easy
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The palace previously said it was the Queen’s “firm intention” to attend the service, after taking time away from her duties for health reasons.

She made the decision to miss the event “with great regret” this morning, a statement said. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he had an audience with Her Majesty last week and “she is very well.”

Despite recent doctor’s orders to take it easy, Queen, Elizabeth was seen behind her green Jaguar on Monday at the Windsor Castle estate earlier this month.

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The Buckingham Palace revealed how the 95-year-old is permitted to take on light, desk-based duties, including holding virtual audiences, following an overnight stay at a hospital on October 20.

In addition to using a walking cane to get around last month, the Queen has also reportedly been given doctor’s orders recently to give up horse riding and martinis.

Johnson spoke with Channel 4 News in Rome earlier in the month, telling the outlet, “I spoke to Her Majesty and she’s on very good form,” per Reuters and The Guardian.

“She’s just got to follow the advice of her doctors and get some rest and I think that’s the important thing. I think the whole country wishes her well.”

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Elizabeth had also canceled her planned appearance at the U.N. climate conference in Glasgow. The climate conference runs from Oct. 31 to Nov. 12.

Earlier in the month, the Queen broke her silence on Prince Phillip‘s death. She recalled how much love both she and her late husband shared for Scotland in her address at the opening ceremony for the sixth session of the Scottish Parliament this past month.

“I have spoken before of my deep and abiding affection for this wonderful country, and of the many happy memories Prince Philip and I always held of our time here,” the Queen stated.

“It is often said that it is the people that make a place, and there are few places where this is truer than in Scotland, as we have seen in recent times.”

A short sentiment but sweet nonetheless. Reportedly, Prince Philip‘s will is to set to remain a secret for at least 90 years to protect the “dignity and standing” of the Queen, the High Court has ruled.

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