Mamas Uncut

Queen’s Granddaughter Zara Tindall Welcomes a Son After Giving Birth in Her Bathroom

Editor’s Note: This article previously reported that Zara Tindall was the daughter of Pippa Middleton. It has been corrected to report that Tindall is Princess Anne’s daughter. We regret this error.

The progeny of Queen Elizabeth are slinging babies left and right these days as we are in the midst of a royal baby boom. Princess Eugenie just gave birth to her first son and now Princess Anne‘s daughter, Zara Tindall has welcomed her third child with husband Mike Tindall.

This is the couple’s first baby boy and he will join his big sisters,  7-year-old Mia and 2-year-old Lena. While the baby boy’s arrival is great news, the way he made it into the world seems rather chaotic.

Queen Elizabeth’s tenth great-grandchild arrived on Sunday, he was delivered in a bathroom.

Queen's Granddaughter Zara Tindall Welcomes a Son After Giving Birth in Her Bathroom | The Queen's granddaughter gave birth to her majesty's tenth great-grandchild on Sunday.
Zara Tindall & Mike Tindall / Shutterstock

Lucas Philip Tindall, who is the Queen’s 10th great-grandchild, was born on Sunday, weighing 8lbs., 4oz., People reports. Congrats on baby number three, Zara and Mike!

“The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh are delighted with the news and look forward to meeting their 10th Great Grandchild when circumstances allow,” the palace said in a statement following the news of baby Lucas’ arrival.

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Mike Tindall & Zara Tindall / Instagram

The baby boy is Princess Anne‘s fifth grandchild and he could be the one that arrived in the most dramatic fashion. Father Mike, who produces the podcast The Good, The Bad & The Rugby, told listeners that his son was born at home… in the bathroom.

“A little baby boy arrived at my house!” he revealed on his podcast Wednesday.

Mike Tindall & Zara Tindall / Instagram

As he retold the events leading up to the unconventional birth, Mike explained that “fortunately,” Zara’s good friend, Dolly Maude, realized that “we wouldn’t have got to hospital in time.”

“So, it was run into the gym, get a mat, get into the bathroom, get a mat on the floor, towels down, ‘brace, brace, brace,'” Mike recalled.

“Fortunately, the midwife, who was going to meet us at the hospital wasn’t that far away, so she drove up, got there just as we’d assumed the pos-ish [as he called the position],” Mike recounted of the chaotic experience. “And then the second midwife arrived just after the head had arrived.”

As all of the excitement surrounding the birth of baby Lucas could be a bit much for his other children, Mike was asked if Lena and Mia were present for the birthing episode. ” “Zed [Mike’s nickname for his wife] had contractions through the night. She hadn’t slept well the night before so we had someone take the kids for the day.”

Mike Tindall / Instagram

But eldest daughter Mia, who Mike described as possessing “street smarts,” started to get suspicious, inquiring about why they weren’t going back home on Sunday evening. “When she got in she was over the moon. Both of them were,” Mike shared. “Lena is like ‘my baby.’ No, Lena, it’s not your baby, as she tries to pick it up.”  

When asked about his wife’s health following the birth the former rugby pro said she “was a warrior as always. She was back up. We went for a walk [on Monday] morning with him. All good.” 

Zara Tindall & Mike Tindall / Instagram

Lucas’ middle name Philip is believed to be a double tribute to both Zara’s grandfather, Prince Philip (who turns 100 this summer), and Mike’s father.

When asked about the possibility of another child following Lucas’ birth, Mike replied, “I’ve got a boy, I’m out of here.”

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Zara Tindall & Mike Tindall / Instagram

Apparently, Mike wasted little time sharing his love of sport with his first son. He said that he was able to introduce him to golf and rugby from home. “The best thing about being at home was as soon as he was wrapped up, it was skin on skin, TV room, golf on. ‘This is what me and you are doing!'” he told his son. “There was actually Bath versus Wigan [rugby] game was on, and then I watched the final day of the golf.”

Mike being a former rugby player who enjoys golf in his retirement wasted little time introducing his son to his passions. We are so thrilled for this dad of three and in awe of Zara who delivered a baby from home. Congrats!

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