Mamas Uncut

Q&A: What Are The Signs Of Postnatal Depression?

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“Hi, I don’t really know how this works, but I had my baby three months ago now, and I need help and advice on what is signs of postnatal depression when you should consider getting it treated and if anyone can share any advice from experience with it, please. I am only young myself (below 18), and this is my first baby, I just need some help please.”

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Q&A: What Are The Signs Of Post Natal Depression?
Image via Shutterstock

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“Definitely see a therapist or call your OB. It’s very common. They’re there to help you.”

“It is so different for everyone and for each baby. Just because it was one way for me doesn’t mean it is for you. Def talk to your dr. Mine was sleeping, anger, not connecting with my eldest like I should, depression/sadness. Second it was sadness and anxiety.”

“Being a new mom is overwhelming. It is hard 24/7 work. Please call your obgyn asap. It is common and nothing to be ashamed of.”

“If you feel the need to ask this, then you need to talk to your doctor. PPD could show in so many different ways, irritability, sadness, loss of appetite, not wanting to do anything, random crying…. any thing. Don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor and do it sooner rather than later!”

“Like everyone said everyone is different, for me I didn’t feel connected to my child. I didn’t like him, I didn’t want to hold him so I let everyone else care for him (thankfully I had a great support system) I got help and things changed ❤️ but if you feel like your not yourself reach out for help from a dr and support from your family/friends.”

“I would recommend getting help the very first time you feel depressed. Mine started about 3 months after my son was born he’s now 14 months and I’m pregnant with my second and it’s now so bad I can’t get a handle on it. It happens to the majority of us and it’s 100% normal and there are hundreds of people that would love to help you feel better.”

“I developed peri-natal depression and this continued into post-partum depression with my first child. With my 2nd, no issues until I had a panic attack in the middle of the night when she was 4 months old. It really is different for everyone. If you have any issues that you are questioning for yourself, please talk to your doctor and seek help.”

“Don’t feel bad Hun. It is really common to get baby blues or PPD. The best thing you can do is talk to your health care provider. There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. I wish you luck.”

“Mine was crying most of my day, bad thoughts towards my baby and didn’t want anyone around her. I just wanted to keep her in the room with me. It lasted about 5 months. My ob had told me to look up the difference between ppd me the baby blues. Then go from there.”

“The biggest thing I can say is, be completely open and honest with your Dr, or therapist, whomever you talk to about it. Do NOT feel ashamed of how you are feeling, so many women experience it, and the important thing is to get the help you need so you can be the best momma you can for your little one. Do not be discouraged, do not feel like a failure, know that you are and will continue to make the beat choices for you and your little, and reaching out is the first, and most important step.”

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