Mamas Uncut

Prosecutors Believe Josh Duggar Will Reoffend and the Reason Why Is Eye-Opening

Federal prosecutors revealed in a court filing that they are worried Josh Duggar will re-offend if released from police custody. According to prosecutors, despite being found guilty of downloading and possessing child pornography in December 2021, prosecutors say he doesn’t hold himself accountable.

In fact, as Insider reports, Duggar actually fancies himself a “victim” and has convinced some of his family and friends of that as well. As a result, prosecutors believed Josh Duggar “will likely never be held accountable enough to seek treatment for his ‘sexual proclivities toward prepubescent girls.’”

Prosecutors Believe Josh Duggar Will Reoffend and the Reason Why Is Eye-Opening

Prosecutors also called out Duggar’s lifestyle, saying despite finding fame thanks to his family’s former reality television show, Josh is actually more well known for his disturbing behavior.

“Indeed, his supportive family and public-facing and privileged lifestyle make his pattern of criminal conduct all the more baffling,” prosecutors wrote. “Despite achieving some level of fame through reality television as an adult, he is better known at this point for his behavior outside his family’s show, including his sexual improprieties and criminal sexual conduct.” 

Prosecutors Believe Josh Duggar Will Reoffend and the Reason Why Is Eye-Opening

As it has been widely reported, as a teenager Josh Duggar admitted to sexually assaulting five young girls, four of which were his sisters. And while married to his wife, Anna Duggar, Josh admitted to having a porn addiction and being unfaithful to his wife and mother of his seven children.

Despite being found guilty, Duggar has maintained his innocents, and now the defense is asking the judge to consider giving Josh the lightest possible sentence of five years in prison. Along with the memorandum that made this request, several family members and friends wrote letters to the judge defending Josh Duggar and what a stand-up guy he allegedly is.

Some of the people who wrote letters include the family friend Josh stayed with while on house arrest, his own mother, his wife, and his wife’s father. And it is exactly these letters that have prosectors worried, Insider reports.

In their filing, prosecutors noted that none of the letters “meaningfully” addressed his crimes. Further, prosecutors pointed out that some of the letters called Duggar’s conviction “an unfortunate happenstance.”

“Absent some recognition from Duggar of his crimes and his need to address his demonstrated and long-standing sexual interest in children, it is unlikely that he will ever view his conviction as anything other than proof that he needs to be more circumspect and secretive the next time he engages in conduct involving child sexual abuse. 

It is equally unlikely that he will ever receive the treatment and accountability needed to prevent him from reoffending should he maintain this posture. In fact, given the apparent success of his blame tactics with some of the individuals he intends to surround himself with after his release from incarceration, it is not just unlikely — it is inconceivable.”

Josh Duggar will be sentenced on May 25. He faces up to 20 years in prison. The prosecution has asked the judge to consider the full 20 years.

RELATED: Amy Duggar King Shares Open Letter to Josh Duggar’s Wife, Anna Duggar: ‘Someday Your Kids Will Be Old Enough to Understand What Kind of Guy Their Father Really Is’

While it doesn’t appear any of the letters were written by his siblings, only a few have issued statements speaking out against Josh following the guilty verdict. Josh’s cousin, Amy Duggar King, has used her social media platform to speak against Josh multiple times and even directed her disdain toward Josh’s parents and his wife.

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