Mamas Uncut

Princess Diana Would Sing This 80s Song In The Car With Sons William And Harry To Ease Back-To-School Anxieties

Prince William is sharing a beautiful family moment where his mother, Princess Diana, would help the back-to-school-scarries by playing upbeat 80s music.

“When I was younger, Harry and I, we were at boarding school. And my mother used to play all sorts of songs to kind of while away the anxiety of going back to school,” he began.

Princess Diana Would Sing This 80s Song In The Car With Sons William And Harry To Ease Back-To-School Anxieties
Image via Shutterstock

“And one of the songs I massively remember and has stuck with me all this time, and I still, to this day, still quite enjoy secretly, is Tina Turner’s ‘The Best’ because sitting in the backseat, singing away, it felt like a real family moment. And my mother, she’d be driving along, singing at the top of her voice. And we’d even get the policeman in the car, he’d be occasionally singing along, as well,” William shared.

“You’d be singing and listening to the music right the way out into the gates of school, when they dropped you off,” he continues. “And, and that’s when reality kind of sunk in that you really were going back to school because before that, you’re lost in songs. You’ll want to play it again just to keep that family moment going.

“When I listen to it now, it takes me back to those car rides and brings back lots of memories of my mother.”

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The father of three went onto share his own sweet morning routines with his family — that also involves music!

“Most mornings there’s a massive fight between Charlotte and George as to what song is played in the morning,” William says on a special Christmas episode of Apple Fitness+’s Time to Walk series, which premieres on Dec. 6.

“And I have to, now, basically prioritize that one day someone does this one, and another day it’s someone else’s turn. So George gets his go, then Charlotte gets her go. Such is the clamor for the music.”

Kensington Palace/Instagram

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“Charlotte, particularly, is running around the kitchen in her dresses and ballet stuff and everything,” the father of three goes on to share.

“She goes completely crazy with Louis following her around trying to do the same thing.

“It’s a really happy moment where the children just enjoy dancing, messing around, and, and singing.”

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